Zane's Shadow

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Garroth's pov


Laurence's voice yelled. I gripped Aphmau's hand tightly and we ran into the trees. We hid in a small hollow and we were breathing heavily. "Luckily I grabbed my backpack." I said as I quietly put it down. Aphmau and I were in pajamas. I only had a white shirt with old pants and Aphmau had a purple nightgown on. "Did you grab your backpack?" I asked Aphmau and she groaned in frustration.

"No, I was in a hurry to leave." Aphmau said a little upset. "Stay here." I said and she looked at me in confusion. I stood up and started to run back to Kiki's house. "Garroth wait!" Aphmau yelled and I snuck through the trees carefully. Just in case. It was still really dark out so it made it easier to sneak to Kiki's house. I snuck up the back porch and into Kiki's house.

Seems like they don't know we are gone now so I snuck into Leona's room and quickly grabbed Aphmau's backpack without a sound. I left the house and then felt something come in contact with the back of my head. I stumbled forward and my vision was blurry and everything was spinning but I was stronger than that. I couldn't see my attacker but I picked up a branch and smacked him across the head and ran.

My head was spinning so as I ran I was running into trees and tripping over branches. "Garroth!" I heard Aphmau yell and my shoulders were grabbed from behind. "A-Aphmau?" I asked and Aphmau hugged me. "What happened Garroth!?" Aphmau yelled out and I noticed blood trickling down my forehead. "I-I'm fine. We need to go!" I grabbed Aphmau's hand and we ran.

My head ached and I felt betrayed because.......I knew who it was who hit baby brother Zane. He must be trying to get rid of me to take the throne himself. Maybe if Vylad was related to us by full blood then he would be next in line but because he is a son of a different father then my father won't let Vylad become king. If Zane becomes lord.......everything would be over.

Zane is still my brother and I love him very much but he doesn't have a very good heart. I clenched my teeth and gripped Aphmau's hand as we ran. "Garroth. I can't run." Aphmau said as she fell to the floor. I still had enough energy but my body still hurt. "You need to res-ah!" Aphmau yelped as I picked her up bridal-style and she blushed. I kept running and Aphmau gripped my shirt tightly.

As we ran it felt like we kept ending up in the same place but I knew we were getting somewhere. "Garroth!" Aphmau yelled and I looked to where she was looking and the shadows were moving. "No! Not yet! I will not let you do this brother!" I yelled as I dodged the attacks that the shadows were throwing at us. "Ah!" Aphmau yelled as I felt a shadow ball hit my back.

I stumbled onto my knees but stood back up. I kept running through the dark and I could feel the attacks getting harder against my back. "Hahaha!" I heard Zane's laugh and I frowned. "No! Stop!" I yelled and I fell to my knees. I laid Aphmau down onto the ground and slowly kissed her lips. I fell backwards and I could hear Aphmau yelling out to me.

"No Garroth!"

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