Wedding (Final Chapter)

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Aphmau's pov

"Please take care of Aphmau."

I heard Laurence say. I was awake and I was too embarrassed to open my eyes so I pretended to be asleep. "I will Laurence." Garroth said and I heard Laurence sigh. "If you do anything to make Aphmau cry, I will never forgive you." I smiled slightly. I was happy Laurence is trying to protect me. "Don't worry. I will never make Aphmau cry...I love her too much." Garroth said and I blushed.

I hid my face in my arms and heard Garroth and Laurence disapear. I sat up and felt bashful. "Aww..I slep in my dress." I groaned and got up off the couch. "Aphmau hurry!" I heard a voice yell and I saw my best friend Zoey running down the hall to me. "Zoey!" I yelled as I hugged her. "I missed you so much." Zoey said as she hugged me tightly. "Today you're getting married Aphmau."

I still felt nervous but I was happy. Yeah, it might be too soon but..I already know that I love Garroth and I just want to spend my life with him. "Let's go get you ready." Zoey said and I nodded. Zoey led me to my room and I saw a beautiful white wedding dress. "It's beautiful!" I yelled out as I touched the soft fabric. "Here, get dressed and I'll do your hair." Zoey said. I thanked her and changed into the dress.

"Can I come in?" Zoey asked as she knocked at the door. "Y-yes." I said feeling bashful. Zoey walked in and gasped. "You look beautiful Aphmau!" Zoey said excited and I smiled. "Sit down. I'll do your hair." Zoey fixed my hair and now...we were on our way to O'khasis. We took the castles fastest boat and arrived at O'khasis in the evening. The guards led my parents to another room and Zoey came with me to the main room.

This room was the one I was to wait in until the groom is ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. "Are you okay Aphmau?" Zoey asked and I nodded. "Yeah....just nervous." Zoey smiled and put a flower crown on my head. The crown was made up of white and purple flowers. Zoey was in a dark purple dress, the bridesmaids dress. "Take a deep breath Aphmau." Zoey said and I breathed in.

After an hour of waiting we were ready. I peeked out of the curtains I was supposed to walk out of and I saw Garroth under the alter. He did look like a true prince. I took another deep breath and walked down the isle. Everyone stared at me in awe and I blushed. When Garroth saw me his eyes widened and I almost wanted to run. All these stares mad me so nervous.

When I reached the alter Garroth whispered "You look absolutely beautiful." I blushed a deep crimson red and then the priest came up. Oh was Chad. "We are gathered here today for some marriage that is happening right now. Between Prince Garroth and Princess Aphmau. Prince Garroth, do you take Princess Aphmau as your lovely bride?" Garroth smiled and nodded "Yes...I do."

Chad looked at me and said "Princess Aphmau, do you take Prince Garroth as your handsome husband?" I smiled and said "I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

(Hey guys! This is the final chapter! So sorry it ended so soon but I just thought it would be really cute to end it like this. I know all of you are like "Noooo!!! Don't make it end!" But you know, every story comes to an end sometimes so, hope you enjoyed it! And thank you all for reading!)

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