Problems.....weird problems

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Garroth's pov

"Hello big brother"

Zane said with a smirk. I grabbed Aphmau and pushed her behind me. "Go away Zane. I am not going back." I said in an angry tone. Zane smirked and said "Garroth, dad is very mad and I couldn't care less about what you do were aways dads favorite. He always liked you more and didn't care about Vylad or me." Zane said with a frown. " Zane please.....don't do this!" I yelled.

Zane looked at me and said "I'm not doing anything. I'm just following dads orders to find you. How dare you leave the day before your wedding!? No, your not the one being punished. I am!" Zane's hands were shaking against the hilt of his sword and I said "Don't do this baby brother......let Aphmau and I go." Then, Zane's eyes widened and he laughed.

"Garroth! You are so stupid! Do you even know who you are with?" I was confused and Aphmau looked shocked. "Don't you dare!" Aphmau yelled. Zane smirked and said " Heh, fine. I will let you go this once but, take a close look at each other because you both are idiots." Then Zane disappeared into the trees and I was confused. "What does he mean?" Aphmau asked and I bit the inside of my cheek.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. I guess there is something we both aren't telling each other. "L-let's just keep going and forget about this." I said and Aphmau looked like she wanted to protest but didn't. She nodded and we went on our way. We finally reached Meteli and Aphmau seemed kind of nervous. "I'm gonna go to the inn to get us rooms." I said.

Aphmau just nodded and I walked to the inn. "Lord Garroth?" A voice asked and I jumped and spun around. "Oh no." I said as I saw Travis. "What are you doing here Travis?" I asked and he smirked. "Oh, you know, just checkin' out the hot ladies." I sighed and shook my head. "Running from your wedding?" Travis asked and I nodded. "Don't you dare say anything about me being the eldest son." I said.

Travis tilted his head in confusion and asked "Why?" Before I could speak I heard a familiar voice call out. "Garroth! I found a great tavern with awesome drinks!" Aphmau said excited. She ran up to me and clung to my arm. I looked at her shocked and her face went bright red. "I-I-I-I am so sorry! I-It's just a force of habit." Aphmau said panicked.

I saw Travis smirk out of the corner of my eye and I smiled at Aphmau. "It's okay." I said trying to hide my blush. "Well, what a cutie Garroth. Where'd you find her?" Travis asked looking at Aphmau. She blushed and looked away and I frowned at him. "Don't you dare Travis. (She is mine.)" I whispered the last part and I was so happy Aphmau didn't hear.

Travis smirked and then said "Well, I'll let you lovebirds get back to your traveling." I blushed and Aphmau looked shocked as she blushed madly. "We are not a couple!" I yelled embarrassed but then noticed a lot of people were looking at us. "L-let's go Aphmau." I said as I grabbed her and and we walked up the stairs. Then Aphmau froze and I looked to where she was looking.

"Aphmau? Is that you?"

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