Marriage and a rescue!?

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Garroth's pov

This pov takes place when Garroth finds out about his arranged marriage.

I sighed when my father called me. I walked out of my room and passed Zane's room. I slowly stopped and backed up. He was playing with two little ponies and I narrowed my eyes and started laughing. "What are you doing!?" I laughed and Zane gasped. "GET OUT OR I'LL KILL YOU!" He yelled and slammed the door in my face. I laughed as I walked away from his door and down the castles large staircase.

I walked into the dining hall and asked "Why did you call me?" My father took a sip of his ale. He cleared his throat and said "Do you remember the kingdom of Phoenix Drop?" I nodded my head standing up straight. "You know you are going to be taking over the throne soon right?" I nodded and my father sighed and sat up straight in his chair.

"I'll just get right to the point." He said "You are going to be marrying the princess of Phoenix Drop. And this is because you refused to marry Nicole and Phoenix Drops king Enki and the queen Irene wanted peace with us." I was too shocked to say anything so I just stared blankly. "The wedding is tomorrow." My father said and I shook my head and yelled "Stop trying to force me to marry!"

I ran out of the room and ran outside. "Raven!" I yelled and I saw my small golden wyvern descend from the sky landing on the back of my wrist. "Come, we must go now. Go get me my coin purse and meet me at Chocolate village." I said and Raven nodded before flying off into the sky. "The daughter of Phoenix Drop? I have never met her." I thought mentally.

I ran to the stable and saw Vylad petting his stallion. I tried to sneak into my horses stable but I heard Vylad speak. "What are you doing Garroth?" He asked and I sighed and said "I am leaving. Don't tell father." Vylad nodded and said "Where are you going?" I bit my lip and said "Father is trying to make me marry again." Vylad smirked and said "Be carful." I smiled and mounted my steed.

"Thanks Vylad." I said as I grabbed the reins and made my horse run at full speed out of O'khasis' gates. I rode for hours and the sun started to go down. My legs were starting to go numb and I felt restless. I soon approached Chocolate village and jumped off my horse only to fall to the ground. "Ow." I groaned as I slowly stood up. I walked my horse to a stable and saw a large wyvern in the stable.

My eyes widened. I thought Raven was the only wyvern. I paid the stable boy and saw Raven flying right to me. I held out my arm and he landed. I grabbed the coin purse from his talons and Raven flew into a tree. I was about to go into the inn when I heard a woman yell. "Let me go!" She yelled and I hurried to the voice. The girl had a hood on so I couldn't see her face but a man had ahold of her arm with a knife in his hand.

"Hey!" I yelled but he didn't seem to hear me. He was about to stab the girl and I ran up and punched him in the face causing him to fall onto the ground. The girl opened her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes were brown and they shined in the moons light. I noticed she was shaking and I asked

"Are you okay?"

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