Pros and cons • Jaden Smith •

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A picture of Nathalie and the Pros and Cons trailer :)

Nathalie -


I wake up ,squeezing my eyes tight and chucking my alarm clock across the room in furry. First day at a new school .This shouldn't be new to me at all ..Being my fourth "new school" in three years.

My dad gets alot of business offers but he swears this will be the last change for sure.

After getting ready I quickly slip on a pair of jeans and a red shirt
,grabbing the first pair of shoes I see from my closet. Im really determind to keep the drama away for this school, if that means dressing down everyday, then so be it. I hop off my chair and grab my bag, heading out my bedroom door .

"Hey honey" I hear my mom say while I get a bowl and the milk out of the fridge.

"Goodmorning mom" I smile at her , stuffing my mouth in the process.

"You ready for today?"

"It'll be fine" I say, dodging her question,

Im just about to leave when my dad strolls in. I roll my eyes out of habit and my mom gives me the "cut it out" look that could scar a grown man. One thing for sure is that me and my dad dont have the whole father-daughter relationship never had,never will. Thus beginning my first pro and con list. But before that whole charade let me fully introduce myself.

Im Nathalie Proter , age: 16 and I'm currently living in Calabases, California.. Why? because of my selfish father. I have a little brother, Sam who's 5 and gets me irritated practically everyday, but I can never stay mad at him because he officially mastered the puppy dog face.We just moved here from New york where we stayed the longest and I actually socialized with people. The biggest mistake I've ever made. The worst thing about making friends is being hurt by them, and I never want to experience that again.

Back to the list .

PROS AND CONS of having a bad father:

Pro. He gets you what you want if you try to get on his good side .

Con. Knowing his bad side prevents you from trying.

Pro. He can be nice and father-like at times.

Con. If you say something wrong he may just get a little angry and complain about his stress.

By now me and my mom were half way to Calabases high . I looked out the window and the cars I see are like a display of one of those car shows back in New York, just my luck, snobby rich kids.

My mom parked in the staff section and hopped off, smiling , this is why I loved my mom... She doesn't care for stuff like authority.

I got off looking around,pushing my curly hair out my eyes.Taking a deep breath I follow my mom into the office . She did all the talking while I timidly twisted the bracelet on my wrist . "Nathalie?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, thats me."

"Alright here's your schedule" I nodded taking the slip of paper out of her hands.

"We'll need to find someone to help you around the school for the day" she continued.

"Oh! And you can leave Mrs.Proter" the receptionist says,

My mom kissed my cheek and mouthed "Good luck" while twirling on her heels and leaving.

Just as she left someone walked in through the office door. "May I see your schedule?" , She says to him.

"Dont have it"The guy replied shaking his head.

Ms. Sona, the receptionist gently took the slip and handed it to the guy.

The boy looked over it and nodded.

"Yea I have most of these classes" he said after a while "I could show her around"


I followed the guy out the office and as soon as the door closed he started walking backwards staring at me.

"Hi? " I say raising one of my eyebrows in confusion.

He smiled and stuck his hand out. "Hi I'm Jaden... Smith"

"Nathalie. and I kinda figured it out" I replied to his quirkiness, lightly shaking his hand.

"Im surprised" he thought to himself "Most girls would have freaked out, by the way there's your locker" he say pointing at the end of the hall.

"I don't get starstrucked very easily. And thanks" I muttered under my breath.

He smirked and turned around.

"So hows our homeroom teacher?"

"He's fine" Jaden told me while making a slow stop to the room . The room's door read "Mr. Rind class 301" I took a deep breath while he opens the door.

I was quickly introduced and planted myself on a chair right in the corner of the classroom . Behind me I could hear loud chatters but I wouldn't dare turn around knowing that they wouldn't be the nicest of the bunch since Jaden planted himself in the middle of the little Clique .

The bell rang a couple minutes later and I got up in a hurry.Just a few steps from the door a strong hand grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, wait up" The already familiar voice said. "I have to show you around .... Remember?"

"Yea I remember" Jaden walked backwards again to our next class.

I started fidgeting under his deep stare. "Can I help you with something?"

"Nah. You're just really hot" he winked at me while twirling back around and walking like a normal person. I stare at his back and snorted, shaking my head. Is this his usual routine for every girl? I couldn't wait to see the rest.


This story is not the best,plain and simple. it's super cliche and not too realistic but i started this as a twelve year old and I didn't know anything that was "real". This is a warning to all the new readers. If you decide to continue I hope you find something interesting in this story 😊

Trailer at the side :)

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now