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I pulled my shirt down, fixing the mess that was cause by my tears. Slowly whipping the corner of my eyes I took Jaden's hand and walked into the building.

I stopped for a moment. a small panic in my head when everyone turned and stared, looking at our entwined hands. On instinct I pulled at my own. Jaden held it tight and led me to my lockers,not paying attention to everyone who turned their whole bodies just to watch us walk.

"I hate school." I muttered once we got to my lockers twisting in the numbers that I'd soon have to forget.

Jaden chuckled, leaning on the locker besides mine. "You hate everything."


"Don't you have a locker to get to?" I asked, finally closing the lock tightly.

"I'm afraid if I leave you alone you'll do something stupid. so c'mon."

We walked around, doing a quick turn at the corner where his locker was.

"If you don't hurry we'll be late for homeroom." I say loudly over the laughing students.

"Better late then never."

I roll my eyes "It's 'better late than sorry'."


"Nathalie!" someone from a distance yells and I turn around to find Emily dragging her backpack behind her.

I point to her bag and she nods to show that she understands . "Too lazy to carry, and way too heavy."

"Well I'll help you to your locker." I pull the other strap, and true to her words the bag was heavy as bricks. "see ya in homeroom Jaden."

"Can I get a kiss goodbye?"

"Homeroom is in 3 minutes.No."



Emily looks back and forth between us before shrugging.
"I need to get these textbooks in my locker Nathalie!"

"Fine. lets go."

"So would you like to explain whats going on between you and Jaden?" Emily says once she gets to her locker and dumps 3 textbooks inside.

"Nothing's going on." I reply, way too fast and way to defensive.

"Really?" Emily pry, rolling her eyes.

"If I tell you, you cant tell anyone... alright?"

"What're best friends for besides keeping secrets?"

"You know when I left the park yesterday? and he followed me?"

She nods. "Well I kinda had this big melt down. Tears and everything, he tried making me feel better but at the end I still felt like shit. So we went to my house -"

"You had sexual intercourse with him?!"She screamed and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shhh! no we did not have any intercourse of that type."


"What do you mean 'good' I still have my v-card Em and I'm not going to loose it to him."

Emily sighed in relief "I'm just warning you. before you came Jaden wasn't such a goody goody."


"Jaden was a player, Nathalie. A good one at that. I'm surprised you didn't know." She says matter of factly

My heart dropped at her words. "But he's not anymore, right?"

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now