About that word

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Pick one after reading the chapter -

A. You hate me for not updating, but love me for this chapter.

B. You love me for this chapter, and understand that I had to take a long time to perfect it.

C. A and B



We had all settled down with tubs of ice cream in our hands, and were currently picking a movie to watch. I wanted something adventure pack, but Emily wanted something romantic, we finally decided on something we'd both enjoy, and Alex was up for anything.

"The mortal instruments, or Frozen?" Alex said to us, moving the two dvd cases around.

I pondered on this for a minute, I had seen both movies before and I loved them, but i couldn't typically chose between them. "Emily, you pick."

Just as i expected she picked Frozen, and I smiled.

I left my cookie and cream ice cream on the coffee table for the cream would soften. Now i grabbed the box and began eating, ignoring the introduction to the movie.

It was quite for a while, no one was talking and the movie was progressing,

"Anyone want popcorn?" Alex broke the silence and Emily quickly shushes her, scowling at her direction.

"Fine, I'll make three bowls." Alex whispered, and walked over to the kitchen.

I stood up, carrying the ice cream with me and walked to the kitchen as well. "well ,isn't she a disney fan."

"Tell me about it." She grabbed a big bowl and opened five popcorn packs "Frozen is apparently her favorite now, but she says that about all of them."

I chuckled, licking the last of the ice cream on my spoon, and closing the box. "I love Disney movies"

Alex smirked, placing the bowl into the microwave "she loves them more."

I shrugged, siting on one of the chairs,

"When are you planning on telling Jaden?"

I sighed brushing my messy hair with my hands. " Never sounds nice."

Alex chuckled sitting next to me, "nope, it has to be soon."

"Like how soon?"

"Tonight soon."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "why tonight? Isn't it too soon?"

"When wont it be soon? The day you're leaving?" Alex's grey eyes glare at me, "Plus we're going to a party at his place."

"I didn't agree to a party, Alex."

"Well you're coming, Nathalie."

Finally giving up on my hair i drop my arms and rest my chin on my palms, "didn't they learn from last time?"

"Apparently not," Alex shrugs "its at 7:30, and Mrs. Smith wont be here till friday."

"Where will Will be?"

Alex shrugs again, "out, they said he's calmer about parties"

"Do I have to go?" I whin, dropping my head on the table.

"Yes, If you don't want another girl flirting with Jaden."

My head snaps up, out of instincts and I glare at the brown haired girl in front of me.

"Plus," she continued, "I'm forcing you to go."

I sigh,sitting up, "I'm not ready to tell him, I'll chicken out."

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now