You like me.

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❗Jaden ❗

I faced the window to my left after muttering a Goodbye to Nathalie.

I always get stuck into lies. I'm suppose to be the player, the guy who doesn't get heartbroken yet the ache always return after a new girl.

I ruffled my hair before resting my head in my palms. Why did I think she was anyway different? She's just like every other girl I've meet and that wont change.

She'll use me for my father's fame and and after she'll dump me out like yesterday's trash. I won't let that happen.

Lately my barriers have been breaking.

I just have to build it back up.



It was then at 6:48 that I realized what I had done.

"What am I going to do?!" I screeched into my phone hoping that Alex got the panic in my voice.

She did. "Alright calm down. Are you fully dressed?"

I rolled my eyes, but before answering, checked my attire. Fully clothe: Check

"Yes, I'm dressed." Very well, may I add. I twirled a little letting the flowy end of my peach colored dress follow along. My hair was straightened and in a bun and my white flats were somewhere in the room. I smiled at my reflection, I didn't look half bad. The flower crown that I praised so much was placed right on m-

"Stop checking yourself out! This is a crisis remember?"

My eyes widened at her mind reading skills "Sorry."

"Alright. So tell me again how this situation is a problem?"

I sighed loudly into the speaker.
"I'm basically using him just because I don't want Blondie to win."

"It wouldn't be using him if you had feelings for him... but since you don't want to admit your bone hardening crush on him then the only way to get through your guilt is to tell him, or you could..."

"Or I could?"

She munched on what I assumed was an apple."You could just go along with it. Just dont send a romance vibe, and please dont make it awkward."

"Ha! Me? awkward?"

30 minutes later I was sitting across Jaden in the most posh Apple Bee's I have ever laid eyes on. The silence was almost too loud.

-Pro and Cons of this awkward situation-

Pro: At least we're in a good restaurant... Right?

Con: This feels like the most silent place I have ever been in my lifetime, even though the place was packed with at least 40 people.

I munched slowly at my pasta trying to get a sound across the table. "I was afraid that you'd bring us somewhere so fancy that I wouldn't understand the menu." I forcefully laughed but it came out as a donkey's snarl.

Jaden moved the cup of water over to my side of the table after giving me a concern look.

"Yea...I don't like any restaurants that are too fancy."

The silence was back. "So-"

"Why did you want to come here tonight?"

My breath hitched in my throat. How do I answer this question without being awkward? "Because I wanted to be sp-"

"The truth...please?" he cut me off again.

"Mia kinda provoked me.. I just got worked up when I saw her sitting on you."I shrugged, that was a good enough reason right? and it was the truth.. mostly.

Jaden snickered before the famous annoying boy smirk fixed on his features."So you got jealous?"

"I wasn't." I replyed mechanically.

His smirk stretched into a smile. "Whatever you say."

For the rest of the hour we spent time talking about random stuff that popped into our heads and laughed at nothing. To me this meant everything because the awkward silence was long gone.

"Tonight was fun." I smiled up at him when we were in front of my house's door.

"Yea, I especially enjoyed when you admitted that you like me." he replied cockily

My smile slowly faded. "I never said that."

His smile widen into a grin."I think you did."

Scoffing, I turned around and lifted the keys in the hole, before I could successfully twist the lock I was tapped on the shoulder and when I faced Jaden my breathing stopped for the second time tonight.

He was hunched over and his face was inches away from mine. "I'm going to kiss you now."

It took me 10 whole seconds to comprehend what I was just told but it was too late.

Jaden's lips brushed against my own and I tensed at the contact,but as his mouth thrashed harder onto mine and I got over the tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach my eyes closed and I let my hands rest on his chest.

It wasn't my first kiss. I've kissed boys before, on dares when it was that or death (cutting my hair off).And I have felt this in my tummy before. But never this strong.

Did I like Jaden? or did I just enjoy this sensation?

This is suppose to be a game. where the good guy wins against the bad guy.

But lately I've been feeling like the bad guy.

My questions were answered when Jaden's tongue glazed over my bottom lip but pulled away. He pecked my lips once more.

"I think you like me,Nathalie... I'm not sure yet, but I really think so."

A/N: OH! do you love me yet?

Edited ✔

Don't hate me for the next chapter :x

Can we talk about how I've never had my first kiss bc dayum I did a good job.

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now