Candy and Crushes

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"I, for one, can't stand anything sour," Alex concludes.

Emily opens her mouth to defend our prized sour skittles, but I shake my head no. Alex is impossible.

We were currently in the deli across the park arguing on the right candy. We've been up to the debate for about 20 minutes, and from the corner of my eye, I knew the clerk was getting sick of it.

I snatched the big pack of tropical skittles and handed it to him along with our other items.

What a great way to be spending my Saturday.

On junk food.

This morning Alex and Emily ended up on my front steps asking me to join them at the park. I couldn't refuse because they're my friends, but it was mainly the fact that my mom pretty much pushed me out the door once she saw girls my age.

Details, details.

Once we were back in the park, I took out the spicy Cheetos and stuffed them into my ham sandwich. I turned around after taking the biggest bite that my mouth could contain and face two wide-eyed girls .


Alex shrugged and took out her turkey roll.


"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked after we've finished lunch.

"We could show you around since you know. You're new." Emily stated while closing the cap of her Arizona.

"Right..." I hopped on my board, skating slowly so they would catch up. "Alright, come on."


"So this is the movie theater, It's huge inside."

I nodded as I scanned the featured movies.

Smurfs 2

Man of steel

Grown u-

Thud! I smack myself right into a poll, or at least I thought. I slowly look up to the victim of my lack of attention and found Jaden smirking down at me. Thank Gosh. I could've hit someone important like Justin Bieber.

"Hey clumsy"

I groan and reach for his outstretched hand. At least he was talking to me.

For the past four days, Jaden hasn't texted me, flirted with me, or even acknowledge me.

"Hey, stupid," I reply after searching my head for good comebacks. That'll do.

Jaden chuckles lightly and lets go of my hand. I frown, slightly disappointed, then quickly covering it up with an eye roll.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asks after a while.

I gesture to my friends, and he nods knowingly.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us?"

It would be the right thing to do.

"Jaden, my friends.Friends, Jaden." I smile sweetly.


"So, what movie do you wanna see?" Jaden asks. While I groan at his presence. Remind me how I ended up here with the flirt again. Oh yeah, my "friends" ditched me alone with him.

"How bout Grown ups."

•Pros and Cons of being here•

Pro- I got to see a movie.

Con- by force.

Pro- Jaden's talking to me.

Con- Jaden's flirting with me.

Ten minutes into the movie, my ribs were in pain from laughing, and my large popcorn was halfway finished.

"It's not that funny, you know," Jaden states, dipping his hand in MY popcorn. I slap his fingers away.

"It's hilarious!" I say, which gets me attention from the couple sitting in front of us. I smile shyly at them, then return my eyes on Jaden. "Did you watch this already?"

He shrugs. "I was at the premiere."

I raise an eyebrow at him; then I realize who he is. Sometimes I forget that he's famous.


I watch intensively, cracking a smile at all the funny parts but only snickering when someone gets hurt. He ruined my mood.

I feel something poking my sides. And snap my head to look at Jaden.


"Are you mad at me?"

"Yes. Now shut up."

He pouts then continues poking me.

"Yes?" I ask, even more irritated. I am missing out on the movie!

"Nat, I'm sorry. Sometimes snobby things slip out of my mouth."

I sigh. I can't stay mad at him; instead of replying to his apology, I rest my head on his shoulder and continue watching what's left of the scene. I look up, checking on Jaden, a smile is plastered on his face. Not a smirk, but a smile. That's progress.


"Yea, Milson, I'm at the theater. Do you think you can pick us up?" Jaden says into his phone." 'K, thanks."

"I can walk, you know."

"What kind of date would this be if I let you walk?"

"This is not a date," I growl.

"Whatever you say."

Before I get a chance to say something mean, Milson is driving to the curb.

3 minutes later we were in front of my house. I opened the door and stepped out into the cool air. Before I noticed it, Jaden was by my side, walking me to my front steps.

"Thanks, Jay, the movie was fun."

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" Jaden gushes playfully.

"No," I tell him sweetly and pat his back. "Bye, Jaden."


A/N: edited whoop!


What's your fave song on the cool tape?

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now