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I stretched my aching back, avoiding the few cracks that came along with it.

On my right the coldness remained, no pillow, no ball of blanket, no Nathalie.

Where is she, she was here yesterday.... right?

My nerves calm when I see her sleeping figure on the cream colored couch.

Who gets a room filled with vanilla furniture? My mom does,

She picks out the furniture for all the houses, including this one, and I doubt she'll be happy with the mess that I'm sure is downstairs .

I slip out of bed,onto the cold floor ,and stumble my way to the hallway.


I walk into the blue bathroom, admiring one of my favorite color on the walls for a mere second then scanning through the bathroom for a tooth brush.

Blue towels, blue curtains, blue soap... blue blue blue, the best color in the world.

"They have to have extra tooth brushes" I mutter to myself.To tell you the truth I expected people to be passed out drunk in the hallways from last night, but surprisingly all that was remaining was the big mess.

I hate messes.Cleaning isn't something I enjoy, but I cannot stand a mess.

I remember during my last year of middle school in New York I would stay in my room for quite a while, to read, do loads of homework, and just escape.

But my room would always be unclean, after a while of being annoyed by my dear mother, I came up with the 2 day plan. cleaning my room twice a week.

I squeeze paste onto the brushes' bristles and brush till I'm satisfied.

It's too quiet in this house. everyone should be panicking to clean up the mess, even if it is only 7:10

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." The whispering gets louder step by step down the stairs. I slept in the most uncomfortable thing; jeans and all I can feel are stiff legs.

Jaden is in the kitchen going back and forth , snatching at the messy floor "What's going on?"

"My mom is on the way up here, and if she see's this mess she'll kill each and every one of us!" He says between breaths and I almost miss the message.

Speaking of moms..."Shit, where's my phone?!"

"Upstairs , my room" I quickly turn on my heels and head up the stairs. "Wake everyone up while your up there!"

I run up the stairs, snatching the first door open "Get up! We need to get this place cleaned !" Mateo doesn't budge at my loud voice so I take caution in my own hands and pace walk to his bed. "Wake up!" With that I yank the sheet from under him and he rolls off the bed with a big Thump!

The other's are less violent. Willow jumps off the bed and into the bathroom once she hears the mention of her mother ,and Moises stirs for a while but I remind him of breakfast and he walks out the door along my side.

When I walk inside the room that Alex and Emily are sharing I skim through the possible ways of waking them up.A) yell some random celebrities' name or B) scream in pain. I decide on the latter when I remember that I'm dealing with the stubborn Alex.

I walk out the door proudly after hearing a comeback yell and and a groan.That'll do.


My mom is going to kill me, if Jada doesn't kill me first.

10 missed calls

5 incoming messages

I quickly call back and walk out of the room when it begins ringing.

Come on pick up!

"Hello?" I say when The beeping sound ends.

"Nathalie?!" There she is.

I don't hesitate to explain myself at the sound of her voice "I'm so,so,so,so,so sorry. I was so tired and I forgot to text you that we didn't have a ride back, and I lost my phone for the whole night, and I just found it in Jaden's room and I'm sorry."

"Youre lucky Emily was smart enough to tell me, because you'd be in bigger trouble! When are you getting back in town?" she replies surprisingly calmly, I think I love Emily,

"Soon, once we get this mess cleaned and after whatever Jada has planned." A swim would be nice, the ocean is beautiful here, but I'm positive that its not on the agenda for today.

"Okay fine, text me if it'll be longer than you think but you're grounded after this...Bye!" And she hangs up.

I giggle at her bad phone habits.

I open the other guest rooms on my way downstairs, Mia or Madison are no where to be found, and no drunkards are around. Picking up the soda cans on the floor I decide that the top floor is clean enough and jog my way downstairs.

"Where is she now?" I say when Jaden spots me walking over.

"30 minutes away." He says in a rush before ordering us around.

"Mateo,Moises clean the yards, Willow; the living room, Alex; the bathrooms,Emily; the dining room and Nathalie the hallways.Clear?!"

Moises groans and swallows the dry cereal down his throat "What about Madison and Mia? Where are they?"

"Madison left for her audition yesterday,and Mia left for a shoot this morning, just get started!"

"Why are you guys all worked up? It's just your mom right?" Alex says boldly, drinking the milk out of the cartoon.

"You obviously don't know my mom."


"She's outside! Guys she's outside act natural!"Moises yell on his part of the look out. They all run onto the couch each of then leaning at certain position to seem "natural" While I look around my surroundings for anything that we missed.

The foot steps out the door seems to get louder and I run over to the couch and basically end up sitting on Jaden. "Turn the Tv on!"

Emily snatches the remote from the nightstand and presses the buttons till it turns it on.The channel that it opens on surprises us all, Disney XD. We all snap our heads to Emily.

"What? Sometimes I like to watch it." She states proudly.

Ironically the show that is currently on is 'Kickin it' and Mateo's tall body appears on the screen. In sync we all look left at Mateo's blushed face. I didn't know he acted, then again I didn't watch Disney Channel, or Tv.

"The soda can!"Willow whisper-yells, pointing at my foot .I duck my head, grabbing at the can and putting it on my lips before falling back onto Jaden's chest. In a normal case ,when I would have time to think I wouldn't have put such a dirty object near any part of my body, but this was a life and death situation and bacteria is that last thing on my mind.

Heels seem louder till it stops at the living room's entrance. I slowly turn my head to find the beautiful, tall actor/singer that I've only had the pleasure of meeting once smiling over at us "Hey kids!"

Pros and cons of the talented Jada Pinkett Smith.

- Pro - she can sing , act and from my view she's a great mom

-her smile is warming and inviting.

-Con- Shes a mother.

- her smile is a warning to run.

- I have no idea what she'll do once she finds out about our little "shing dig" or "mixer" if you'd prefer.


A/N: Edited

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now