The truth?

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Thump! I slam down on the chair besides Alex and fix my skirt.

"Hey." She acknowledges me.


It has been two days since me and Jaden ki- whatever we did. We haven't even talked, which is alright with me,I'm still trying to figure things out ,but we do have a Science project to complete.

Everything is just confusing. I wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for Mia.

"Are you alright?" Alex's voice interrupts my thoughts.I couldn't even admit what happened to my closest friend.

"Yeah I'm fine." She gives me a puzzled look and shrugs, I haven't been talking for both days after the date and as much as I wanted to tell her, I still didn't want to hear "I told you so," when I'm not even sure how I feel.

Before I knew it, it was Science... the period I now dreaded the most. I shuffled into the class ignoring the looks I got from classmates, and sat by Jaden without speaking.

The bell rang once again indicating the beginning of class, and Mrs. White walked in wearing all black. I mentally smiled at my own joke.

"Hello, class. Today we'll be discussing the project that's due in one more week." Seriously?

〰Pros and Cons of Mrs.White, who've I learned to not hate.〰

Pro: She doesn't speak much. For example she'll tell you something once and if you don't follow then thats it for your sorry butt.

Con: She gives strict rules, and her expectations are hard to succeed. not to mention her fashion senses are a no-no.

I turned my head to find Jaden slumped into his seat and facing the front of the class and a thin line on his face.

"You may converse with your partner."

I shifted my body to face Jaden again. "We haven't finished."

"I know." the thin line remained.

I took a deep breath to control the anger that would explode out of my mouth. "So when should we continue?"

He shrugged. That was it!

"What is up with you?" I shouted, causing attention to my self.

"Ms.Proter please keep it down." I rolled my eyes before slumping further in my chair.

"You think you can just kiss me and cause a whole romantic scene and just leave me hanging? I'm not one of your play toys,Jaden." I whispered at his direction.

"With me? Do you think I like being the prize of some stupid game?" He finally says.

I gape at his did he know?

"I pay attention."

"Its not a game..."I whispered without thinking, and turned to face the big blank screen of the Smart Board .

Minutes that felt like hours passed with silence between the desk. 23 more minutes till this is over ,I thought .

"What did you say?"

The lump in my throat grows, but I wont swallow... That will only show my nervousness.

"Forget it."

He sighs before gently turning my head to face him. "What did you say?" he whispers softer.

"It wasn't a game... at least I don't think it is." I try looking at anything but his face."I don't know..."

He stays still while his face reads confused yet relived "Well you kissed me back."

"Only 'cuz you kissed me first." I reply and pull his hand off my chin. "Just forget about it...okay?"

"I cant just forget about it, Nathalie."

"Well try..." You've been doing it for the past two days.

He sighs before settling in his seat. "My house after school?"

"We can go to mine instead.." I don't think I can face Willow.

He presses his lips together"Fine."





"So this is my room." I tell Jaden after we mount the steps.

I push the door open and walk in, leading Jaden on the way.

"Where's your mom?" He asks once he steps foot in my blue bedroom.

"At a friend's ." I walk over to my desk and pick out a bunch of color pencils... the fun stuff, and dump them on my bed. "Lets begin."

I turn on my phone and press play, maybe music will block the sound of awkward.

Everything has changed begins and Taylor's voice drowns out my thoughts.

I take out the huge poster board off my nightstand and flatten it on the floor.

Still humming all the lyrics under my breath until I remember that I'm not alone.

"Oops,Sorry." I slip the board over and Jaden begins glueing on pieces of paper.

Hours pass without any speaking. I do the power point while he decorates the poster. Very well for someone who didnt have to do anything his whole life. I smile at my joke and continue typing.

Why hasn't he said anything?

"Why haven't you said anything?" he reads my mind.

I shrug before sighing. "What do you want me to say?"

"Anything" his eyes doesn't leave Mercury .

"I cant say whatever you want me to say."

"Why not?" he says causing me to flinch." You shouldn't lead someone on if you don't have feelings for them."

"I didn't say that. I just don't know what I'm feeling okay?" I reply . Thank gosh my mother isn't home this wouldn't have been alright.

"Just... tell me the truth." He says as he walks over to me and leans in close ,he caresses my cheek with his thumb. My lips starts to shake,why am I so nervous dammit?!

"I-I think I do. B-But I'm not sure." right on cue Starry Night comes on. I mentally face palm myself as the owner of the voice stares into my soul.Why is it even on my playlist?

"Don't think." his fingers brush over my skin again before pecking my cheek , swiftly he gets up, grabs his bag and walks out of the room.

Im left trying to figure out what the burning sensation on my cheek is.

Just as the front door closes downstairs my phone pings, indicating a message.

I jump on my bed and slid the notification.

Willow🐣- Party at our house 8:00 Friday. Bring your friends and tell 'em to bring another.

Great. Another problem I have to deal with .


A/n: edited 🌞

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now