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-Mikey's p.o.v.-
I saw Bebop and Rocksteady enter my cell. Rocksteady stood by me, grabbed my foot and shook me up and down.
"Where is it, ya little freak?" Bebop stared at me.
"You can't talk, the only reason you have your invisi-suit is so you can hide your ugly warthog face from everyone!" I spat back, just as my t-phone fell out.
"Steranko, there. Grab the phone, then knock the little runt out." I could tell I annoyed him.
Rocksteady grabbed my phone and threw it to Bebop.
"Heheh, goodnight little turtle." His heavy accent was the last thing I heard before he smashed me against the wall.
-Raph's p.o.v.-
"So what you're saying, Leo, is that we get ourselves caught, then fight back from the inside?" I was confused at his choice but I understood where he came from.
"Listen, I honestly don't care if we get tortured, I just wanna be there for Mikey so he doesn't get it instead of us." Leo sighed.
"I agree with Leo." Donnie piped up. "I don't like admitting it, but I've never been there for Mikey, so I'm going to be there now." He gave a determined smile and nodded at Leo.
Leo and I looked at each other, and we knew that we were thinking the same thing.
"Donnie, we have been there for him... But not as brothers." I can't believe I was feeling sentimental.
"Raph's right," Leo put his hand on Donnie's shoulder. "Yes, Mikey probably hates us but he'll hate us more if we're not there now."
We all smiled at each other, as Leo finalised our plan.
"Let's get caught." I smirked making the others smile with determination.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was in the same cell and nothing else had changed; except Tiger claw was in the centre of the four cages talking to some other prisoners.
I wondered who they were so I tried to stand up, but it turns out my foot, the one with the broken triplet, was chained up to the wall. I looked around the floor and found some sort of a disc hidden in the corner. (for all those who don't know, it's the disc karai used, and it's the same cells as that episode as well.)
I grabbed it and frantically tried to file the chain, but the noise alerted Tiger claw.
"Ah, I see the little runt has woken up."
"Do not call my little brother a runt!" I heard an angry shout from the next cell, Raph?
"Raphie?" I hadn't called him that in years.
-Raph's p.o.v.-
"Raphie?" I heard Mikey's voice from the neighbouring cell. He hasn't called me that in years, I felt I could break down into tears.
"Hey, little brother."
"Where's Leo and Donnie?" I could tell he was scared.
"Right here, dude." Donnie said. He was on my other side.
"Yep." Leo said from the other side of Mikey.
"Oh yay, we're all trapped in here. Now no one can rescue us. You guys are idiots! I don't think Donnie can even reach the keys!" He coughed a very fake cough and I think we all caught the hint.
"Yeah, Leo! Your plan was terrible!" I joined in and gladly Leo knew I was just trying to make it sound realistic but it was funny to take the mick anyway. I was thinking how to distract Tiger claw but Mikey beat me to it.
"Yo, Tiger dude!" Mikey shouted. "My cat that's made of ice cream is tougher than you!"
Why would he say that? He's just gonna get hurt!
"I highly doubt that." Tiger claw made his way to Mikey's cell. Turning his back towards Donnie.
"She took down Rat King single handedly!" Tiger claw opened Mikey's cell.
"I bet I could have too." I heard the sound of electricity in Mikey's cell, but we couldn't see what was happening, except Donnie.
Leo and I could see each other, Mikey and Donnie could do the same, but only if they came to the front of the cell. However Leo and Donnie could see each other perfectly as they were straight across from each other.
Leo used hand signals to tell me Donnie had nearly grabbed the keys.
There was a loud scream and a clank from the keys came straight after. Donnie had dropped the keys due to the scream.
"Mikey!" I pressed my face as close as I could to the bars and tried to look for my brother. "Donnie what's happening?"
"I can't see, Tiger claw's in the way!"
Tiger claw walks out of the cell and locked Mikey's door. He picked up the keys like he knew they were there then he turned to speak to us all.
"You are lucky, I am not allowed to do anything drastic. That is Shredder's wish for tomorrow." He walked out of the dungeon and locked the door. I could tell there we lots of locks.
Our priority was Mikey.
"Mikey, are you alright?" Leo asked first.
"Yeah dude, I'm used to it." He sounded really weak.
"Um, Mikey," Donnie sounded more worried than usual. "What do you mean you're used to it?"
"Heheh, great talk guys." He faked a yawn. "I'm really tired, night!" He faked snoring as well.
Leo looked like he was about to speak up but I put up a finger to tell him to wait.
"Mikey wake up." He snored louder.
Leo looked at me like I was an idiot but I held my finger up again.
"Listen, shell-fer-brains. If you don't wake up, the minute we get home I'm ripping up all your comics and throwing out all your action figures."
"You wouldn't dare." Mikey instantly replied.
"Wanna bet?" I knew we wouldn't go for it.
"Oh that power nap was incredible. I feel alive! Please don't get rid of them Raph." I laughed at him, because I knew him so well. I could hear him making his way to the front of the cage.
There was a large gasp from Donnie.
"What's up Donnie?" Leo asked, but Donnie acted as if nothing was said.
"Mikey, stand up." Donnie's voice was shaky.
There was shuffling from Mikey's cell.
"What did they do to you?" Donnie asked. I was getting concerned and I could tell Leo was as well.
"Um, nothing." We all knew when Mikey was lying.
"Mikey, you have a chain around your ankle, cuts and bruises all over your body, a giant crack down your shell and electrical scars." I had no clue Donnie's eyesight was that good.
"What do you mean Donnie." Leo asked shocked.
"Exactly what I just said. Mikey I'm going to ask again, what did they do to you." Donnie's voice was so assertive.
"Well, I was on the rooftops and I started to fight Tiger claw, I got knocked out. Then Rocksteady shook me upside down to get my phone then smashed me into the wall and I passed out again. Then what's just happened now with the taser. No biggie." He laughed nervously.
"Mikey this is a biggie!" Donnie said.
"When I get my sais on those freaks." I grumbled.

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