I Wanna Go Home

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- Leo's p.o.v.-
We sat there for at least an hour doing barely anything.
Raph was punching his cell, Donnie was trying to pick the lock, I was meditating and nobody knew what Mikey was doing but nobody dared to ask.
"Eureka!" Donnie shouted and jumped out of his cell. He started doing a little victory dance then started on everybody else's.
He opened Mikey's, then opened mine. He gave me the tools and told me to pick Raph's.
"You're kidding right? I don't know how to pick a lock!" I looked at the tools in my hands.
"Listen Leo, Mikey is injured, badly. I need to get to him and I don't have time to get Raph. All you gotta do is stuff these tools in the keyhole and jiggle them around." He turned and entered Mikey's cell, leaving me to get Raph.
-Donnie's p.o.v.-
I entered Mikey's cell and closed the bars behind me.
"Hey Mikey, um, what are you doing?" I looked at what he had in his hands, it was a small disc. He looked like he was filing at his ankle chain.
"Oh, hey D, how did you get in here?" He kept filing.
"Did you not see me pick the lock or get Leo or anything?"
"Uh no." He still didn't face me. I had a full view of the crack down his shell.
I walked over and sat down next to him. His eyes had tears sparkling in them and he was gritting his teeth. I looked to where he was filing and his fingers were all cut up. He kept filing and the disc went through his fingers again.
"Mikey, stop." He didn't listen.
"I said STOP!" He looked at me and, without breaking eye contact, I grabbed the disc from his hands.
"Mikey, you're hurting yourself, we'll get it off later." I put my hand on his shell just above the spilt. "What's wrong."
He shrugged, "Everything is just my fault. It always is." I saw Leo and Raph stand at the door, listening to what was being said. "If I found a safer way to get to April's, if I didn't run off, if I didn't shout at you guys, if I just got out of bed in the first place, we wouldn't be here! Donnie, I wanna go home." He looked at me and started to cry. I didn't know what to do, so I just pulled him into a hug. He seemed to take it and cried into my shoulder. I looked at Raph and Leo and signalled for them to join us. They sat down with us and we all sat on the floor hugging a crying Mikey.
"Pathetic." We all turned our heads to the door to see Tiger claw, Bebop and Rocksteady.
"Dibs on the little one!" Bebop lunged into the cell to grab Mikey but Raph deflected his attack.
"Let's gets them, so we can squash them-" Rocksteady was cut off.
"Yes, like the blueberries." Mikey snapped in his best Russian accent.
"Heh, I likes the little one." Rocksteady laughed and walked further into the cell with Bebop.
I held onto Mikey tighter as Leo and Raph got defensive.
"Steranko, grab the red and purple one. Zeck, the cub. I shall get the blue." Tiger claw growled.
"We have names, ya know." Raph growled back.
"I do not care for petty things. Grab them" They all reached out to get us but we fought back. Raph and I took Rocksteady and Leo took Tiger claw.
I swiped at Rocksteady's head and Raph at his feet. He laughed and grabbed my bō with me still holding on. He swung me into Raph as he came charging towards him. Rocksteady ran over and picked Raph and me up. I looked around to see that Tiger claw has already picked up Leo and that Mikey was unconscious being dragged by Bebop.
Soon enough we were all unconscious being carried somewhere we don't know.
-No p.o.v.-
The brothers woke up in a room they had never seen before. It was a large room with four collars on chains at the back wall. Otherwise it was empty. Except for four turtles and an evil mastermind.
Each turtle had a collar on them. Mikey was on the end with Raph next to him. Then Leo. Then Donnie.
- Raph's p.o.v.-
I woke up and looked around. Where were we? I heard a groan from my left and I looked over to see Mikey stirring.
"Raph? You alright?" I looked to my right to see Leo and Donnie in the same situation as me.
"Yeah, where are we?" My head killed.
"I don't know." Donnie replied. "How's Mikey?"
I checked back on him and he had formed a few more cuts and bruises but nothing to worry about. Yet.
"He looks okay, he's still unconscious." I sighed and looked away from him.
"Ahh...no...stop...please..." We all looked at Mikey and he was sleep talking. "Raphie...I didn't mean it...Donnie...I'm sorry...Leo...please don't hate me..."
Mikey suddenly bolted up. His eyes wide as saucers.
"Woah dudes, I just had the craziest dream! We were all captured by the shred...not a dream. Definitely not a dream." He looked around.
"Mikey, why were you sleep talking about us?" Leo asked.
"I was? Um, probably because-" The door to the room flung open.
"Ah, I see you are all awake." Shredder walked forward. "I will give you one last chance to tell me where Hamato Yoshi is." He stopped about 2 meters away from us.
"Never!" I yelled.
"So be it." He walked over to Mikey and unsheathed his blades. He slashed his arm deeply making Mikey scream. Mikey clutched his arm as shredder walked out the door.
"Let the games begin."

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