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A few weeks later
-Leo's p.o.v.-
I can't believe how much Mikey has matured. It's like space, or losing his friends, or losing Splinter has done something to him. Every time we went on a mission his face seemed less childlike, more determined. It's great to have Mikey focused but still a goofball. It's just weird how my baby brother can take care of himself now.
Just as I was finishing meditation in the holo-trainer, Mikey poked his head through the door. I tried to stay quiet to annoy him.
"Hey Leo? Leoooo? Are you sleeping? Or are you dead? Oh no! I'll get Donnie!" He ran out. I chuckled as I heard a large shout echo throughout the ship:
"Donnie! Leo's dead!"
I stood up and leant on my katana as Donnie, Raph and Mikey came running through the door.
"Oh hello, my trip to the afterlife was very interesting." I smirked and I saw Raph breath a sigh of relief as he pushed Mikey and walked out the door.
Donnie chuckled and gave Mikey a 'really?' face.
"But but, Leo! He was..." He turned to me with confusion in his eyes.
"Called a practical joke, my dear little brother." I sheathed my katanas.
"Leo, I am going to pound you!" Mikey shouted and started to chase me.
"I can tell where he gets that from!" Donnie laughed and walked out.
I slowed down a bit so Mikey could get me. As soon as possible he jumped on my shell and put me in a headlock.
I looked up to see his baby blue eyes filled with anger suddenly turn back to playfulness.
He poked my nosed. "Boop, you're it Leo!" He released me and started running.
I laughed and ran after him, it had been years since we played turtle-tag. It reminded me of so many memories.
I got onto the front deck where I saw April reading magazines and Raph sitting at the window. I scanned the room and saw a tiny flash of orange behind one of the pods.
" I guess he's not in here." I said as I walked round to where he was. I saw him snicker, not realising I was behind him.
"Rah!" I grabbed his shell and he let out a large scream.
"Leo, dude don't do that, I nearly had a heart attack." He got back to his senses then looked at me and smiled. I happily returned it.
Suddenly the ship came to a halt.
"What happened, Fugidude?" Casey randomly appeared.
"It appears we have hit something. And that just happens to be Lord Dregg's spaceship. Heheh, whoops!" The Fugitoid stood there sheepishly smiling whilst all of us exchanged worried fearful glances.
The professor backed up and tried to warp off but we were surrounded by insect space drones.
They started to attack the ship, tearing pieces apart, smashing windows, etc.
"Quick everyone get your helmets and stuff on." I ordered and ran to the suits room.
-Raph's p.o.v.-
I followed fearless to the suits, how fun and exciting today was. I put on my helmet and oxygen providers and sat grumpily in the corner. There were lots more crashes and bangs but they sounded from the inside. The professor came in and promptly shut the door.
"Heh, they're not inside or anything. We might just need to camp here for a bit." He leaned against the wall of the door.
Mikey walked over to me and sat next to me.
"Whaddya want?" I didn't look at him.
"Remember how brave I was when I got tortured ages ago?" Why was he bringing this up? It was all my fault that day.
"Yeah why?" I turned my head to him.
"Am I allowed to be scared now?" He looked in my eyes.
"You don't need to ask to be scared, Mikey." I rubbed his shell and he brought his knees up to his plastron.
"Are you ever scared?" He asked me.
I sighed. "All the time little bro, every time I get angry I feel I'm going to hurt one of you, or every time we're in a fight. I'm scared of anything that could happen to this family. To you." He looked up at me and I smiled just as a large stinger pierced through the door.
He smiled weakly back and leant over to snuggle his head into my shoulder.
"Hey, I never said you- oh ok whatever." I poked him in the shell and whispered.
"You're it."

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