Adolescent alien warrior terrapins?

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A few months had passed since the turtles' encounter with the Shredder. Mikey's toe has healed, Donnie, Raph and Leo showed more appreciation towards him and all his action figures were fine.
Until Earth was destroyed.
The turtles, April and Casey managed to escape with the help of professor Zayton Honeycutt, however their master and father died from the claws of Oroku Saki.
The Fugitoid travelled six months back in time to stop the triceratons from getting the black hole pieces to destroy Earth, so for now, everyone was still alive.
For now.
-April's p.o.v-
It's been ages since we've done something. The last "exciting" thing that happened was Mikey's mind getting attacked by tiny robot things. But since that moment Raph is acting kinda weird. Every now and again he'll just sit at the front window and look out of it for a few hours then return back to his normal self. Leo tries to talk to him and gets a few yes's or no's, Donnie just gives him a pat on the back or something, and Mikey, well, he's the only one who can get a smile out of him when he's like this. It kinda looks like he's mourning.
"Aha! We have approached the triceraton motherships." The Fugitoid knocked me out of my train of thought. He started telling us where the heart of darkness was in the ship. "April, Casey and I shall stay here. Turtles you will go find the black hole generator piece. Bleep!"
"Oh come on Fugidude! I wanna fight!" Casey complained.
"We're just not as stealthy as them, ahem, but I'm getting close." I whispered the last part.
"Okay, we're on it. Ready team?" Leo did his leader voice and ran to the suits room.
-time skip to inside the triceraton mothership-
-Donnie's p.o.v-
We got into the ship fine, it was just finding the black hole piece.
Mikey ran up to Leo.
"Yo dude, I am so glad there are no triceraton dudes here." He said that as he bumped into one. Classic Mikey.
We got into a pretty heated fight considering it had only been a few seconds.
"I am suggesting the decision to a tactical retreat?" Fugitoid suggested.
"Not a chance! Okay maybe." Raph said as ten more triceratons came chasing us.
We started running the other way but more triceratons were at the corner.
"Dudes, there's nowhere to go! Hey! Ow-ow-ow-ow." A triceraton picked Mikey up and as we were distracted on keeping him alive, three other triceratons picked us up.
All of us were trying to break free as they carried us to somewhere we don't know. However Mikey wouldn't shut up.
"Hey you seem hungry, if you put me down I can give you a mouldy pepperoni and pineapple pizza. Ooh! Or I could introduce you to my toes. Aww no, even better! I can-hey-ouch!" He grabbed Mikey's helmet and pulled it off, they did that to us too.
They shoved us in the airlock with three helmets and they smashed the other one.
"Let's test your brotherly love." Some triceraton said as he started opening the airlock.
Leo instantly rushed to the helmets and threw one to Raph, Mikey and me.
"Are you stupid Leo? You need a helmet!" Raph forced his helmet into Leo's plastron.
"I can cope, I can't let my brothers die." Leo responded and pushed the helmet back. He was back into leader mode. He was a fool when he was like this. Always "team first" and he doesn't care if he dies but he doesn't know how much we need him.
"Well, we can't let you die!" Mikey spoke up. "Right, D? Donnie?" Mikey looked at me.
"Yeah, Donnie you okay? You haven't spoken in-" I cut Raph off my smashing my helmet on the ground. I turned to Leo. I looked into his eyes.
"We live, we die, we fight as brothers."
I nodded and Leo nodded back. Mikey followed suit with the helmet smash and so did Raph.
The airlock opened a bit more so I sat on the floor.
"Donnie, seriously, you're awfully quiet." Leo said.
"Well duh, I'm trying to listen to the triceratons outside to see how much time we have. Once I've figured that out we can do that breathing technique that Splinter taught us whilst I can grab that lever up there and reverse the polarity to the electricity." I said it like it was obvious. Well, it was, wasn't it?
I shuffled to the door and ducked under the window to listen, my brothers did the same.
"What do you mean you want the Terrapins alive? ....... Fine I shall bring them." We scattered around the airlock to not look obvious and the airlock closed; we could breathe!
"Adolescent alien warrior terrapins, you shall come with me." This big triceraton said.
We walked behind and Raph nudged me.
"What does he mean by we're the aliens?" I smiled at his attempt of humour.
We walked into this room with a giant chair holding what seemed to be the emperor. The slight problem was April, Casey and Fugitoid were there too...

Hullo, sorry I haven't updated recently just not had the motivation to :(
But thanks for reading peoples hope you like it :3

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