Gleeful little slug

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Sorry peoples, I've ran outta inspiration! But I will continue.

-Leo's p.o.v.-
It was deadly silent on the stealth ship. Raph had fallen asleep with Mikey sleepily curled up next to him. Donnie sat staring out the window, April was fiddling with her nails and Casey was spinning on his chair. I stopped the ship about five minutes ago and were just floating aimlessly in space.
"So, what do we do now, guys?" Mikey's usual happy voice was filled with sadness as he snuggled closer to Raph, who was starting to wake up.
"For once, Mikey, I don't know." I sighed.
"What about that planet over there? We could wander it until our legs fall off." Donnie suggested.
"We could but shell-brain over here forgot to charge his suit." Raph said still with his eyes closed, flicking Mikey's forehead.
"Hey! I didn't forget, I just... Um... Okay I forgot, whoops." Classic Mikey.
"Well unfortunately, we don't have any charging stations inside the ship-" Fugitoid started. "But there is a way to charge it from the outside."
"Why would you not have inside charge?!" Raph was fully awake now.
"I never did, Raphael. I don't officially have outside charge, it's just an electrical wire I can unplug and plug into the suits." Fugitoid explained.
"Will it, um, shock me?" Mikey asked sounding scared. After that day he's been petrified of faulty wiring.
"Oh, dear me no! You will be fine Michelangelo." The professor smiled.
"Well let's land on this planet then. You never know it could be okay to breathe on." I suggested.
"Actually Leonardo, its not." Of course Fugitoid had to rain on the parade.
"Sorry for being optimistic." I muttered and flew down to the planet.
-Raph's p.o.v-
We landed on the planet to notice that there was barely anything on it. There was nothing except a small city skyline in the distance.
"Leo, do you see that?" I asked, oh mighty fearless one.
"The city? Yeah." Leo nodded and looked back at Mikey. "We could go but we need to wait for Michelangelo." Leo shot him a glare.
"Dude, just go without me. Me and Fugitoid will catch up. Besides I know you guys wanna get away from me when you use my full name." Mikey looked down. He was on his knees connected to the ships wiring.
"Hey Mikey, d-" Casey cut me off.
"That's the best idea that's been said all day. Let's go, dudes." He pushed past Leo.
"Casey, wait! Ugh." Leo ran after him knowing he'd get killed on his own.
Donnie ran after Leo, and April after Donnie. I turned to Mikey.
"We won't be far, okay?" He smiled and I returned it before catching up to Leo.
They were at a walking pace now so I stormed up to Casey.
"Don't you ever do that again." I hissed.
"Do what?" Casey looked oblivious.
I facepalmed. "You said that Mikey's idea of him staying behind was good, you know he feels when we leave him!" I threw my arms in exasperation.
"You can't talk Raph, you ditch him all the time! You hit him, you're mean to him and personally I don't see you as a great brother at all!" Casey snapped back.
I was about to grab his hockey stick and ram it down his throat before April jumped in.
"Casey! That is a horrible thing to say! What has gotten into you?" April tapped his forehead.
"Hey, don't dis, red, we were all thinking it." He swatted her hand away.
"I wasn't!" April snapped. "And I doubt any of the others were either!"
Donnie stepped in. "Yeah, what's with the sudden hate against Mikey? You two were like best buddies when you went down to the skatepark and stuff."
Leo stood silently, nodding every now and again.
"Just the fact of the whole earth is gonna be destroyed, and he can't even remember to charge his fricking space suit!" Casey huffed.
"Listen, Jones. I think you need to chill. Let's just go to the city, check it oh and come back. With no hurtful comments." April stood in front of him waiting for Leo to lead the group. Casey's face was filled with anger, but not as much as me.
Suddenly a flash of orange comes screaming past.
"Yo dudes, I got the power!" Mikey shouted whilst doing a ton of backflips.
"Michelangelo, please stop!" The Fugitoid ran after him.
"Why should I?!" Mikey screamed back in happiness as he ran round like a plane.
I turned to Fugitoid. "Did you give him coffee?" I laughed.
"No, I charged his suit too much and that happened." Fugitoid pointed to Mikey rolling around on the floor like a gleeful little slug. "We just have to wait for the charge to die down a little."
I laughed at Mikey, knowing he would probably have no idea what has happened after. Then we had to chase him to the city.
Little bonehead runs fast.

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