Oh great and wise teriyaki

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-Raph's p.o.v.-
We managed to get to the city and it was incredibly quiet.
"Whoaaa-mmm!" Mikey gasped in awe before I slapped my hand over his mouth.
"Remember, knucklehead, quiet otherwise Fearless is gonna get mad then he'll cause the outrage." I smirked as Mikey giggled under my hand.
"I am not." Leo hissed as he eyed the city.
I released my hand from Mikey and he nodded to say he was gonna be quiet.
Fugitoid led the way through the city and these people? kept looking over and bowing to us.
Of course Mikey had to keep bowing back so I flicked him in the head. I heard several gasps around me as the people things looked at me in horror.
Damn Raph bad move. I thought. Without thinking I scooped Mikey up and started hugging him.
"Um, Raph?" Mikey whispered.
"Speak of this again and I will pound you." I whispered back.
I looked around at the faces and they seemed to be settling, then they carried on with their lives.
I put Mikey back down and continued walking. We had to catch up to the others because of what happened.
"Yo dudes, check this out." Casey said as he pointed to this weird piece of technology.
"Donnie, what's that?" Leo asked.
"I, I honestly have no clue. It could be some source of power or possibly-" Donnie what cut off by guess who.
"Dudes, it's food-appear-er!" Mikey squealed.
"A food-appear-er?" I mentally facepalmed. "When did ya loose ya mind?"
"Just chill, I got this." He walked up to the thing and started fiddling with it. Suddenly a bright white light flashes from the machine and threw Mikey to the floor.
"What the heck did you do?!" I hissed as I went over to pick him up.
"I'm sorry, I just-um, guys?" Mikey looked past me and I turned to follow his line of sight. The others did the same and we all gasped when we saw a giant angry mob coming towards us.
"Nobody. Move. A. Muscle." The professor whispered.
We all stood silently as this mob circled us. I could tell Mikey was freaked out, as was April.
"Who dares touch our source of power?" A large deep voice bellowed from the back of the mob.
"Called it." Donnie whispered.
Suddenly the mob split in two as this large dude on a floaty chair came down the gap.
"We are ever so sorry, our friend just got a little too curious." Fugitoid explained. Mikey sheepishly looked down, then he looked like he had an idea. He jumped up and ran straight in front of the big dude. He knee-slided so that he could bow down to them.
"Oh, great and wise teriyaki people! I have made a great mistake. However could I make it up to you?" He said in a deep mocking voice. Mikey jumped to a random person and leant his head on their shoulder. "I could mow your lawn," he ran to another person. "Ooh, or I could paint your fence," he ran back to the large guy. "I could be your mascot!" He started dancing around but stopped when he saw the horrified faces around him.
The floaty guy looked at him with anger filling his eyes. "Capture them! Kill the little one!" Suddenly everyone around us pulled out all sorts of weapons. Slingshots, maces, cannons, etc.
"What?! Kill me?! Why?!" Mikey exclaimed.
"You, have violated our vow of peace." The big dude growled at him and grabbed his arm.
"Get off of him!" I screamed but it didn't work. The people started closing in on us and Mikey was pushed to the back of the group, I couldn't see him over the masses of people.
"Anyone see Mikey?" Leo called as he drew his katanas. Donnie was about to reply until Casey beat him to it.
"What do you care? He screwed up again. Way to screw up, Mikey!" Casey shouted in hopes Mikey would hear him.
"You're not perfect either, Jones." April snapped.
"At least I know not to touch random pieces of technology!" Casey snapped back and for once I actually saw fear glint in April's eyes, she was scared of...Casey?
"Where's the Fugitoid?" Donnie quickly asked as he started twirling his bō.
"I'm over here, Donatello!" The professor shouted and waved his arms. He was following the path where Mikey went. "I am looking for your brother, I shouldn't be too long."
I breathed a sigh of relief as Casey growled. The people finally charged in on us and we started taking them down. They were very skilled for peaceful beings.
-Fugitoid's p.o.v.-
I followed the path where Michelangelo went to this little hut. It was adorable! I looked back and saw a heated fight going on but that wasn't going to stop me! Oh no it wasn't! I faced towards the hut and entered. I was shocked at what I found.
I couldn't believe it.
><><><><><><><><><><><><Bam bam bam, cliffhanger!
What should happen to Mikey? Leave ideas in comments please.
:3 you people's are awesomeeee

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