Pepperoni, hot fudge, jelly bean and anchovies

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-Raph's p.o.v.-
Bishop led us into the Utrom base where he introduced us to Pawn, Rook and Queen. They seemed trustworthy enough, but they took my Mona and I'm gonna get some answers.
"Okay supposedly nice Krangg, where's the Salamandians?" I slammed my fist on the table.
"Patience Raphael," Fugitoid scolded me and I sat down. "Yes, we would like the Salamandians but we would also like the coordinates to the heart of darkness."
"I will release the prisoners as long as you keep them with you," Queen started. "But as for the heart of darkness, I am sorry but we cannot do that."
"What? Why?" Leo shouted; that was my thing! "We're from the future and our planet is in danger, and if the triceratons gather the pieces for the black hole generator they will wipe out Earth!"
"Alright, we shall discuss this. As for now you may go reunite with your friends." Queen stood up and the others followed. Soon after, Mona and sal-commander came out of some doors.
"Mona!" I ran up to her and we locked in an embrace.
"Um, Raph?" Donnie asked.
"Shut up Donnie." I replied.
-Donnie's p.o.v.-
Raph told me to shut up, again. He was getting a little too intimate with Mona. Mikey would have thought it would be cute. Where is Mikey?
"Hey Leo?" I asked.
"Yeah?" Leo replied meeting my eyes.
"Where's Mikey?" I showed the worry in my voice.
Just then we got a signal through our helmet communicators.
"Yo dudes, you finish what you have to, I'll be on the Ulixes waiting." Mikey broke signal again.
"Um, alright. That was weird." Leo said.
Finally Raph and Mona stopped being intimate and the Fugitoid walked over to us.
"We have the coordinates, we better be off now!" Fugitoid started walking out of the door.
"Thanks, Utrom!" Leo shouted and followed the professor. I gave a little waved and Raph kissed Mona goodbye then joined up with us.
"You pinheads tell Mikey, April or Casey what happened, I'll pound ya." Raph was back to being Raph.
"Sure thing, doesn't mean we won't remind you- ow!" I laughed before I rubbed the sore spot on the back of my head where Raph just hit me.
"Why do you think Mikey went straight to the ship?" Leo asked.
"More like why did he also go off without us?" I added on.
"Well we'll find out in a minute." Raph said as he nodded to the ship.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
I told April what happened and gave her the locket. She thanked me as she put it on her wrist. I saw a few tears escape from her eyes so I offered her a hug. She took it and sat there crying in my arms for a while. I looked up and saw Casey's face, it was hilarious. About two minutes after the guys and the professor ran in. April had seemed to cried herself to sleep and was still in my arms. Donnie's face was as stupid as Casey's.
"Um, Mikey, what did we miss?" Leo asked me.
"I'll tell you in a minute." I said as I stood up. I held April bridal style and walked to her room.
I put her on her bed and looked at the locket again. It reminded me of Splinter, Tang Shen and Karai and how they looked so happy. I stroked April's hand and walked out her room to see Donnie and Casey giving me the evils.
"Whoa dudes," I laughed. "I'm gonna tell you the story now."
We all sat down at the thinkafoodatron and I got myself a large pepperoni, hot fudge, jelly bean and anchovy pizza and told them what happened on my side.

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