A present?

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-April's p.o.v.-
The triceratons shoved us back into our ship with the heart of darkness. They let the ship go from where it was being held and told us to go as far as we can from them otherwise they would destroy Mikey.
Fugitoid just nodded and warped to the other side of the Galaxy. We just floated there for ages.
It was just so empty. No laughter, no stupid comments, no Mikey being Mikey.
I still didn't know what was up with Donnie when he had a go at the professor and shrugged me off earlier so I decided to ask.
"Hey Donnie, are you alright?" I walked over to where he was sitting.
"He's gone." Came the reply.
I crouched next to him and held his hand and stroked it. He looked down at me and then back up the the ceiling.
"Listen April, I'm sorry for earlier. I was just really tense for some reason. I guess I felt something bad was going to happen." He wiped a tear away with his other hand.
I didn't know what to do or say, so I just kissed his cheek. There was no reaction just a slight sigh and a tiny smile. But that faded away soon after.
I walked to Leo to see if I could help. He was sitting staring out the window.
"Hey Leo."
"Hey April."
"Are you alright?" I stupidly asked.
"It's all my fault, I could have done something." He sighed.
I put my hand on his shell.
"It's not your fault, Leo." I rubbed his shell and he started crying.
"Oh Leo, we'll get him back. I promise." I hugged him and he cried into my shoulder.
Suddenly Casey ran into the room.
"Fugidude, you need to turn off the holo-trainer now!" He ran back to where he came from and Fugitoid followed him. Donnie, Leo and I exchanged nervous glances and ran after them.
We got to the scene and found the holo-trainer control panel short circuiting with Raph's sai sticking out of it.
"Oh dear, it seems Raphael has sabotaged the holo-trainer!" The professor said as he grabbed the microphone. "Raphael, please stop! We cannot turn it off!"
I looked through the window to see Raph and thousands of triceratons  surrounding him. He was standing there sweating with a few cuts on his arms. He'd been crying badly and his eyes were now white with rage.
"You idiots took my brother!" He screamed as he started fighting the triceratons. They were picking him up and squishing him to the floor. He kept trying to stab them.
Leo ran over to the control panel, smashing it over and over again trying to turn the holo-trainer off. Donnie Casey and I ran over to help.
About five minutes after trying we looked up to see Raph being suffocated against the wall. This angered me so I used my powers. I let out a loud scream and soon enough the holo-trainer turned off and Raph collapsed against the back wall catching his breath.
Casey ran in and picked up Raph.
"Dude are you alright?" Casey asked.
Raph nodded and ran out to the front deck.
Then there was a large shout from Raph.
"Guys, it's Mikey!"
We all ran to the front deck and looked up at the screen. It was Mikey. He must have figured out how to send a video.
Raph hadn't played it yet so it was just a frozen picture of Mikey's face.
The professor clicked play and we all watched the screen.
"Hey dudes, I found how to make a video! Right I've not got much time to tell you this, but I know how to get out. All you need to do is wait on the third moon of Thalos. The mothership will fly over and I can meet you there. I'll be about half hour. When I'm on your ship, you have to warp away immediately. I'm being heavily guarded. Okay I'll see you then and I'll be bringing a present."
The video turned off.
"Why did he wink on the but where he said he was heavily guarded?" Donnie asked.
"I'm glad you picked up on that Donatello, I'm afraid to say that I have a terrible feeling about this present." Fugitoid replied.
"I don't care, ask long as we see Mikey again." Raph rubbed his neck, it had started to bruise.
So we set off to the moons of Thalos in hope we'll see Mikey again.

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