I miss him. (Slight Season 4 spoilers)

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-Fugitoid's p.o.v.-
I couldn't believe it! It was the last piece of the heart of darkness! We can save earth! I suddenly heard a loud scream of laughter.
"Ooh yes, better get Michelangelo first." I said to no one in particular. I walked to where the sound came from and found myself in a little room with a table lay down. Michelangelo was on top of it, strapped down.
"Oh dear." I muttered as I walked to what was happening.
"Dude! Ahahahahahah, why this?!" Michelangelo screamed.
"This is not the desired reaction!" The mayor of the Dacians bellowed.
I went to the side of the mayor and found out he was tickling Michelangelo. That must have been deadly for them.
"Yoo hoo? Hello? Hi there, I'm professor Zayton Honeycutt and I'm here-"
"You trespasser! How very dare you?"
"I am ever so sorry but I would like to take this friend of ours back and hopefully that fine piece of metal outside?" I hoped he'd let us.
"The metal? Take it, it's just decoration. You're little friend however, he stays." He started tickling Michelangelo again.
"Ahahahahahahaha dudeeeeee!" He screamed. He had tears of joy flowing out his eyes.
I thought for a second. What if they didn't want him anymore? Professor you're a genius. I know, Thankyou.
"Sir, may I point out that this specimen is clearly not up to your standards. He is not taking the punishment and you are going to kill him anyways. So we could take him of your handssss... You know just a suggestion." I smiled.
"Ugh fine." He shoved Michelangelo to me though I forgot to catch him.
"Ow, great catch professor." He dusted himself off.
"We can take the metal too?" I asked again.
"Sure sure, whatever just never disturb our peaceful land again!" He pointed his finger at us. We both nodded and ran out.
"Metal?" Michelangelo asked.
"Turns out the Dacians have the last piece of the heart of darkness." I whispered.
"No way!" He whisper shouted.
"Yes way, they said we can take it." I smiled and he retuned it.
We grabbed the piece, luckily it was the smallest bit, and ran to the others.
-Mikey's p.o.v.-
"Yo dudes!" I screamed, making everyone look at me. "Heh, hi?"
Luckily this distracted the teriyaki people enough for my brothers to fight their way out. Leo got to us first:
"Let's go! Wait you have the last piece?"
"Indeed, now let's save earth!" Fugitoid gleamed.
-time skip no point of view-
No one believed what just happened. The professor sacrificed himself to save earth, the gang's counterparts flew away with an alternate Fugitoid and the krangg and the triceratons were both defeated.
Back in the lair it was eerily quiet. Donatello went straight to his lab, Leo and master splinter to the dojo and Raph went to his punching bag. Mikey, April and Casey stayed in the seating area.
"I miss him." Mikey finally broke the silence. April walked over and sat down next to him.
"I do too Mikey." April wrapped her arms around Mikey. "But he was a hero." April heard Mikey sniffle as he nuzzled his head in her neck.

Meanwhile in outer space, a slight whirring sound is heard. Two orange lights flicker from a white, specifically shaped head. The lights on the decapitated head stay on as his brain comes out of a comatose state.

Woot finally finished I'm sorry it took so long! I wanted to get it done cuz I wanted to start a new story but I felt bad with this one unfinished. Hope you enjoyed it!

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