Part 5

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Nandhini and navya reach college by 6 50 ..and wait near the parking ..suddenly nandhini gets the memories of the guy he met yesterday and smiles to herself unknowingly ...navya notices nandibi smiling and asks her ... Nandhini tries to hide the truth and tells about her dad's return .. Meanwhile aryaman also reaches the parking lot and they leave for practice ....

At Malhotra Mansion:
Manik:(while have his breakfast)mamma I spoke with mukthi yesterday happy???

Manik informs nyonika that he texted mukthi yesterday and tells about their conversation .. Nyonika becomes emotional seeing the love between her son and daughter and prays to god to keep both of them happy forever ..and thinking all these a lone tear escapes from her eyes which did not go unnoticed by manik ... Manik panickes seeing the tear

Manik: mamma ..wat happened did u do something wrong??

Nyonika: no Mannu... The only thing I wish and pray to god is that you get good life partners and the love between u and mukthi remaine the same ..

Manik suddenly remembers about the gal he saw in parking and a smile appears on his face unknowingly ..nyonika notices this and gets doubt on manik .. But she does not ask anything as she knows if manik wants to share ..he'll defiantly share it with her ..

After his breakfast manik leaves to college ...while moving to his class .. He hears a melodious voice and is mesmerised by the voice and moves to see the person ... Manik peeps through the door and is shocked to see the same girl he saw yesterday ... She was with her veena and was practicing ..suddenly a set a claps broke his thoughts which were by navya and aryaman ..
No body notices him standing near the door he moves quickly before anybody notices him ..

Manik reaches his class and smiles remembering the face of the girl ....

Manik(to himself ): who is she??yesterday she mesmerised me by her innocent face .. Today by her voice ...why does she affect me soo much ...
Suddenly cabir enters and sees manik lost in his thoughts and he notices his smiling face...

Cabir: wats up bro??who is she??

Manik:(lost in thoughts) princess ..

Cabir smirks seeing manik and manik comes back to reality ...

Manik: cabirrr ...when did u come ??

Cabir: when u were thinking about ur princess ..

Manik: princ...princess??? What princess??cabir what are you talking about.?.

Cabir: Manik you seriously think u can hide something from me for a long time???

Manik:what yar .. What am I hiding ??nothing.....

Cabir: who is she ???tell me now

Manik accepting his defeat ..
Manik: I dono yar.. But she affects me so much ..she is studying in our college .. But I dono anything about her ..

Cabir: chill bro...well find out during the break ...

Meanwhile nandhini navya and aryaman also finishes their practice and resumes to their class .. Nandhini while returning to her class searches for mnik but wasn't able to locate him in class . so she feels disappointed and settles in her class..

Suddenly they hear an announcement for MBA students to assemble in the auditorium all students leave for the auditorium ..
What will happen in the auditorium ??will nandhini get to see manik??will manik see nandhini???will they talk with each other??what will happen...keep guessing and comment your options ...

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