Part 12

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Navya and nandhini gets dressed up and reaches the college .. Aryaman waits for them at college near the gate .. Together they give a final touch practice to their song ..

Navya: nandhu .. I'm afraid ... Will we have a heavy competition?? Can we win this??

Nandhini: navya .. Don't sing for wining ..well definitely give our best ..and then leave the rest to god... Don't worry navya .. Don't panik ...

Aryaman: ya navya ..chill..nothing will go wrong ...

Abhimanyu also reaches college and searches for nandhini and navya ...finally he sees them in a room ..he goes inside

Abhi.: navya .... All d best... Don't worry ..ull rock ..

Abhi: thanq so much Abhi ...

Abhi: nandhu. ..

Nandhini turns towards Abhi ...even though she was angry ..she needs Abhi now ..and she knows hell always be there at the back to support her
Nandhini comes towards abhi .

Abhi: (cupping her face) all d best .. No tension ok??? I know ull rock .. And I'll always be there at ur back to support .. Hmm??

Nandhini nodes and Hugs him ...

Nandhini: be around during my performance ..
Abhi smiles and nodes .
Abhi: Now u carry on .. I'll see u ..ok? And the performance will start in an hour ..
Nandhu nodes and Abhi leaves..

Nandhini navya and aryaman practice for some time and they leave to back stage ...

Manik through out the day was restless...he was eager for the concert to get over ..he wanted to hear nandhini sing ..

Cabir: mukthi ..u know what .. They have postponed the competition to next week it seems ...
Manik gets shocked and sees cabir ...mukthi smirks on seeing manik and decides to play ...she winks at cabir

Mukthi: ya cabir ..even I heard it ...its because of some preparation issues itseems ...

Manik gets angry
Manik: what the hell is their problem .. Why can't organise it properly and check everything a day before..

Cabir: why are u getting so stressed ??anyway what's up with us. ??we are not performing though ..

Manik: cabir can u be so carefree yar .. Its our college reputation involved in it...what will our juniors think ??

Cabir: ohhhh... So ur concerned about our juniors or junior ??????I mean nan ..nan..nan

Manik: shut up Cabir...its ....its ..nothing . like ..that

Cabir and mukthi bursts out laughing ...manik was showing faces to them ..
Mukthi: (hugging manik) mannuuuu ... Its time for competition... Its not postponed n all ..chill .. Ull talk to ur princess soon come
Manik hit cabir and smiled at mukthi ..
All three moved towards the auditorium after the announcement .. Everybody were gathered for the competition
Manik's eyes were constantly searching for nandhini .. This was noticed by Cabir..

Cabir: manikkkkk...she won't be here ..all participants are at the back stage stop searching... Shell be here shortly

Manik gave him a whatever look and looked towards the stage as the programme started...first two performance was some team from 1st year ...
Its was time for nandhini's performance .. She entered the stage and took her seat ..she was followed by navya and aryaman .... Once nandhu took her seat. .she closed her eyes and prayed for 2secs and then opened her eyes soon as she opened her eyes met manik's ..

Manik's POV
After she opened her eyes ...first thing she saw was me ....her eyes met mine and she stopped .. I wanted her to feel comfortable and not be afraid i gave her a smile and an assuring nod .. Then I thought might be I overreacted. What will she think?? ...will she just ignore ??within seconds my mind posed so many questions. ...but as she saw my assuring nod ....she smiled confidently .. I was on happy she responded me ... That was for the first time .. I felt I was flying ...within minutes she started the song .. (Banarasiya from ranjanaa)
I was mesmarised by her voice .. Her was of singing ...she was enjoying each and every line ..every word ....I felt soo content listing to her ....her eyes were dancing .. The performance was magical ...I had never had any interest in Indian classical fusion ...but she made me fall...I didn't realise when the song got over .. There were loud cheering all over ....everyone were hooting .. I saw her...she saw me ...I smiled at her contently . she responded with equal Happiness...then she bowed at everyone and then left....

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