Part 8

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As soon as manik finished the song ..there were loud cheers and claps ...all the people in the party were going mad for him ... But his attention was full on nandhini ...Manik and cabir moved back to the back stage where principal was waiting for them...

Principal : manik .. I am soo happy today manik...u have made me and our college proud .. That was a fabulous performance ... It was a treat to our ears ... Congrats .. And cabir even u were equally excellent . wonderful keep it up guys ..

Manik: thanq so much sir for giving me yet another chance to prove my ability ..

Cabir: thanq so much sir .. It was our pleasure ..

Both moved to the main hall .. All the girls surrounded manik and were drooling over him .. This was all seen by nandhini who was fuming with anger ..

Nandhini's POV..
Wow .. He has such a mesmerising voice..should I go and congratulate him ...what if he thinks I'm flirting and finding ways to talk with him ... Look at him nandhu ...he is fully surrounded by girls .. He is a rockstar... He can defnetly not love you .. He is far handsome for you...better stay away from him and avoid his thoughts...

Manik's POV:
As soon as I came to the main hall...all the girls surrounded me ..but my girl was not der in that... I wanted to see her .. Finally after lot of struggle I was able to see her ... She was looking in my direction but lost in her own thoughts ..again ...she was looking sad... I wanted to know what bothers her .. Which makes her princess face dull .... I wanted to run to her ... Ask her how I sang ..I waited for her to come to me to congratulate me but she was hesitant.. So I walked towards her heat beat was accelerating every passing second...
She didn't notice me coming towards her as she was lost ... Suddenly a voice broke her out of the trance ... I looked at other side shocked ...

Mannuuuuuuu.......a voice broke both nandhini and manik from their thoughts ... All turned towards the voice .... Manik after seeing her face became soo happy and ran towards her .. Seeing manik she too ran towards him ... Both hugged each other tight and she started to sob ...

Manik: shhh... Baby stop crying ... What is this mukthi ??first u give me a surprise and then u cry like this and scare me ??

Mukthi: man...manikk... I missed u a lot.. How will I stay without u ??it was very difficult for me. ????why did u call me??

Manik: shh ...shh ..calm down ..vaise  u were to come tomorrow only na .. The. How come u came today??

Mukthi:it was because of u only idiot... She said hitting him in his chest

Manik: (confused) :me?????what did I do??

Mukthi: it was bacause of ur messages only .. First I fought with u. ..I was angry on u .. But seeing ur messages I felt so much lonely .. I started to miss u .. So I came back to u ..(said between her sobs)

Manik:(laughed seeing her cuteness)...I love u sooooooo much and I missed u like hell ..

Suddenly they realised they were in the middle of the party ... After reality hitting him ...he turned towards nandini ... She was frozen in her place ...tears from flowing from her eyes .. Her eyes were blood red due to crying ...

Manik's POV
Suddenly after talking with mukthi I realised I was in party ...but fortunately mukthi did not grab the whole party's attention ..but definitely people who were standing near me heard us ..suddenly I remembered nandhini .. I turned to find her....she was in the same place ... Dumbstruck...tears were flowing from her eyes ... Her eyes wer bloodshot ..she was stunned took some minutes for me to realise what she must have thought ... Before I could react I heard cabir's voice calling mukthi ..cabir reached us and they started with their talks ... I wanted to see nandhini ... So I turned but to my bad luck she was not there...I saw her running towards the entrance so I thought to follow her 

Manik ( to himself ) shit ....she must have thought myself and mukthi to b couples .. Shit...I should go to her ..

Nandhini POV
I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard someone's voice bought me out of my trance ... Suddenly I noticed manik was standing near me .. The girl was so lean ..she was wearing a shorts and a crop top ..she was looking so sexy ..  Her face looked beautiful .. She was so happy seeing manik .. manik was first shocked but later he looked as though he was sooo  happy ...he ran towards her and hugged her with full force ... They were talking how they missed each other ... I felt all my parts go numb ... Tears welled up in my eyes ... I didn't know y ..I started to cry ... Finally manik said her that he missed her so Much and love her ...manik loved her .. That was it I felt shattered ... Everything broke inside me ... I felt weak on my feet ... Suddenly manik turned towards me ... I didn't want him to see me .. I wanted to move but I wasnt able to ... Suddenly he turned towards the his friend ... That was enough I wanted to run from there .. I wasn't prepared to take anymore so I ran ... I wanted to run somewhere.... I came out .. Finally a voice called me....

End of POV ...
manik came out and started to search for nandhini but she was not there ...he searched the whole campus but could not locate her ... Suddenly  cabir and mukthi's called manik ...
Mukthi was shattered seeing manik ..  She was worried for him ... Manik narrated the whole incident to mukthi and cabir as he felt it was best to let them know ...

Mukthi was soo happy for manik ..finally manik found his sole mate ...she hugged manik and assured that everything will be ok and everything will turn out to be wonderful ...

Mukthi: ( cupping his face) Mannu ... I so happy for u .. Don't worry .. Did u notice one thing ???

Manik: (confused) what is it??

Mukthi: she was jealous ... She wasn't able to see you with any other girl ...she thought me as ur girl friend ...

Manik's face lit up on hearing mukthi ...he was on cloud nine ... He was happy knowing that he affected nandhini...

Cabir : manik mukthi is right chill nothing wrong will happen ... I'm happy for u bro ..

Manik stood up and
Manik: I'm going to meet her ... I want to talk to her ..sort everything out ..

Cabir: but manik u don't know her house.  And I don't think it will b gud for u to go in search of her now me bro .. Shell come to college tomro .. U can talk to her tomoro .. 

Manik: but cabir ...she was crying .. 

Mukthi: I guess cabir is ryt Mannu ... Let us keep that this is the last day she is crying ..  Even if she is crying she is crying for u ..  Well wait ..well c her tomorrow at college and sort everything out ..  Chill now come well go home .. 

Manik cabir and mukthi left home ...
Who was it that called nandhini ??stay tuned for more surprises ...

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