Part 20

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Next morning nandhini woke up and went to abhi's room and checked on him ...

Nandhu: thankgod he doesn't have fever now ... I hope abhi will come back to normal by tomorrow when Amma and appa returns ...

She later goes and freshens up and goes to kitchen to do breakfast ...just when she received a call from mukthi

Nandhu: mukthi ...u went without even telling a bye

Mukthi: nandhu .. Mom called me was urgent so had to go ..didn't bhai inform u ?

Nandhu: ya he said ...BTW what happened to your voice .. U sound so low everything all right?

Mukthi : nandhu ..don't worry yar.. I'm ok .. Just a cold .. BTW I called to ask how is abhi he better?

Nandhu: yes mukthi dont worry bhai is better now ... No fever ..he is sleeping ..

Mukthi: thank god .. Ok then I'll leave to college... Manik is on leave .. He'll come around there in another 10 mins .. I'll call u after college ... Bye

Nandhu: ok bye ..take care

Nandhini: what happened to her ..she is sounding so low .. Was there any problem at her home since she came here yesterday ... I'll ask manik when he comes. ..

While nandhini completed her breakfast the doorbell rang ..

Nandhini moved towards the door and opened it ... It was manik standing with some cover in his hand

Nandhu: manik ..what's all this ?

Manik: miss.nandhini will u please allow me to come inside first and then proceed with ur interrogation ?

Nandhini stepped in and manik entered and placed the cover ...

Manik: it has bread sandwich for u and soup for abhi... Before u start it question session .. Mom has send it for u ..

Nandhini: manik ..y did u trouble aunty ??what is the necessity for all this ?

Manik: I didn't tell her anything ... She askd me will I c abhi today .. I noodes so she told me to give this ..dats all ... And miss moorthy for ur info I was in a hurry so I didn't have my breakfast ...

Saying this manik moved towards abhi's room ..

Nandhu: manik !!!

Manik: what happend nandhini?

Nandhu: is there some problem at ur home ??did ur mom shout yesterday for coming late ...

Manik came closer to her ... "Don't over think nandhu ... Mom was so concerned for u n abhi ..infact she was insisting mukthi to stay back n help u ..but mukthi had some work so she wasn't able to stay back "

Nandhu nooded  n smiled ...

Manik moved inside to check on abhi

Nandhu : ( to herself ) if mukthi was held up with some work ..why did she tell me that mom called her for some work ..and even her wasn't ok ...she sounded so low ... She didn't even tell me n go .. Is something wrong I need to ask her ? The last time I saw her ..she was so place and looked liked she cried ... Did bhai say something to her ...should I ask bhai ??

Manik: nandhiniiii........

Nandhu: yes coming ...

Manik.: nandhu .. Abhi is awake ...just get him some soup so that he can have his medicines .. 

Nandhu: ya manik .. I'll get him ...till then u also come n have breakfast ...

Manik: ya I'll come ..first u get for abhi ..

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