Part 15

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Nandhini and Abhi reach their house and settles on the couch ...

Nandhini: Amma appa ...where are they???

Abhi: nandhu ... I forgot to tell u ... Amma appa called me before ur concert and they hold they had to go to Jaipur ...cause shashi uncle is not well it seems ... U remember shashi uncle when we were in Jaipur for an year during my 3rd std .. They helped us a lot .. So Amma told they have to go .. She told she will call u later ..

Nandu: ya Abhi .. I remember .. its ok ..I'll call Amma later and talk to her ....anyway do u need anything .. What will u have for dinner ??

Abhi: ya Amma told that she has made pasta for us and kept it in fridge since she knew ull b tired after ur concert ..

Nandhini: ok then I'll heat it.. U go get fresh and come ..

Abhi: ok .. I'll b back

Nandhini takes her mobile and calls navya..

Navya :hello

Nandhini: navya .. Did u reach home safely ??

Navya: hann..nandhu .. I just reached ..don't worry ..and congrats

Nandhini: ha ha ...thanq n wish u d same .. And did u hear from aryaman ??

Navya: no nandhu .. He didn't call me .. And I also thought we should not disturb him so well meet him in college tomorrow..

Nandhini: ok navya ... I'll also go have my dinner .. Meet u tomorrow at college ..

Navya:ok bye

Nandhini kept the phone and went to freshen up ...she then moved towards dining room and saw Abhi seeing TV ...
Abhi seeing nandhini smiled at her and both moved towards dining area... Nandhini took the pasta ..served it in two plates and gave one plate to Abhi and then she took another plate ...
Both nandhini and Abhi started seeing movie and shared a loads of talks ...after finishing the dinner .. Nandhini cleaned all d dishes and stood up to move towards her room ...when Abhi called her ..

Abhi: in a hurry?

Nandhu: (facing Abhi) no no ...kya hua Abhi ... Is everything ok?? U look so sad

Abhi pulled her hand towards the sofa and made her sit beside him ..
He wrapped one hand around nandhini's shoulder and side hugged her ..
Nandhini looked at Abhi ..since she knew Abhi does this only when he is hurt ..

Nandhu: Abhi? What's bothering u ? Why are u upset?

Abhi: nandhu ... U know me so well na???

Nandhu: Abhi.. (Cupping his face) I know very well that something is bothering u..

Abhi: I owe u an apology .. I left u when u needed me .. I can never forgive myself for that ... Every night ...ever single night I used to depend for that ...not even a signal day passed without thinking about u ... I was used to u .. U used to be around me .. Even though we fought a lot ..still I loved u ..I loved to fight with u.. When I went there I became alone ..there was no one to fight .. There were no one to wear my t shirts ...there were no one to comb my hair and tie it into little fountain one to pull my cheeks when I was angry .. I missed u .. I used to see your messages and sometimes even tears welled up in my eyes to think that I wasn't there near u ..but I restrained myself from texting u because I know when u see my text ull start to miss me .. I didn't want that ..I didn't want u to feel that's y I didn't reply to us text or call u .. I know when I hear us voice I can't restrain from seeing u .. But I wasn't able to make up for two years .. I spoke to Amma ...she understood ... I told her that I'll complete one year and then come here n cont my studies .. She said ok ..then I called appa and told him for my admission in space ...he also happily agreed as he saw u were sad and felt lonely at home .. I'm sorry nandhu I left u .. But I'll not leave u again its a bhai promise ..

Nandhini after listening to Abhi .. Tears just flowed through her cheeks and she hugged Abhi with full force ...

Nandhini: (between her hiccups) bhai ...Bh.. Bhaii... I'm sorry.... Please I'm sorry. .

Abhi: nandhu ... Stop crying .. What's this nandhu... Stop ..see here

Abhi cupped her face and made her look at him ...he wiped her tears with his thumb and nodded his head in a no.

Abhi: ab Rona nahi ... Y r u telling me sorry?

Nandhu: I shouldn't have been angry on u ..

Abhi (smiling) : I know u can't be angry on me for more time and I deserved it ..

Nandhini: Abhi .. U know na .. U are the only person I shared everything .. From the beginning it was one thing I thanked aiyappa .. That he gave me u ... If u were not there .. Patha nahi muje kya ho jata..u were there to protect me .. To take care of me .. Like a friend .. A brother .. A protector .. I always loved to tease u .. I didnt worry about anything since I knew u were there to protect ne when ever I slipped .. But suddenly one day I got up and realised u went ..that too without even giving me a chance to say bye .. But I knew u regularly spoke to navya to know in college about me and then to Amma to when I am at home.. I was happy that u went in search of ur future but I was sad because I wasn't able to see u .. Share my happiness and sadness with u .. I love u bhai .. Whatever happens I can't hate u ... Because I know ull never break my trust .. Ull always be there for me ..

Abhi smiled and hugged her .. Then started to talk about their childhood and their memories and how nandhini and Abhi used to run inside the entire house chasing each other .. And how Abhi fought with a boy who pushed nandhu and she feel down and got hurt on her hand ..and legs during their school days ..

Nandhini: (placing her head on his shoulder ) Abhi .. I know that some day or the other we have to get apart ...and can't be like this forever but I pray that I get a beautiful bhabi where she takes care of u like u are the prince ... Where she can tease u like I tease u .. I pray Abhi that ur life should be colourful always ..

Abhi: who said we have to be apart ?? No one can make us apart ... Make my words na nandhu no one can separate us .. I pray to god daily that we both should be together till the end ...
With that both had random talks and then both went to their rooms ...

Nandhini came inside her room and lied on her bed .. She saw a book on her bed they she left last week ...she wasn't sleepy so she took the book and started reading it. .
Yes .. Nandhini loves to read book ...she was always into books that almost she forgot the whole world and when she had no one around her books were her the most best companion she had ... She had developed a craze towards books and also started to write her own book ...

Nandhini took her book and was fully engrossed .. It was a love story where the girl was hurt on the acts of the boy and were the boy ditches the girl who truly loved him ... Nandhini remembers her past ..but she stays determined not to cry and takes a vow that she will not love anyone ... She cannot trust anyone again ..whome ever it might be .. She them remembers manik ..and she tells that manik I can't let u claim my heart ... I have guarded it like a secret .. Now I can't let anyone enter it .. If my trust breaks this time .. I won't be able to trust anyone again ... No I have to stay away from manik ...
She then her eyes and drifts to sleep ....
Recap: manik to see blankness in nandhini's eyes ...and muthi and nandhini joins and scolds Abhi and manik ...

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