Part 18

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Manik was fully engrossed in thinking what Abhi told him about nandhini ..
Manik's POV
Abhi told me that she doestnt trust any one ..she is a broken soul..what must have happened that nandhini lost her trust on everyone ...what ever it is I'll bring Nandu back to normal and gain her trust and give a beautiful life which she would love and cherish her entire life ... I will not let anything hurt her and I'll protect her till the end .. ..

Manik was engrossed in his thinking that he didn't realise that he finished the sandwich .. He came back from his thoughts when he realised that his plate was empty...
Nandhini was waiting for manik to tell how the sandwich but hearing no comments from manik .. she felt bad that manik didn't like the sandwiches she made... She hung her head low and was sitting on the sofa ...

Manik after looking at his plate he then realised he was damn hungry and the sandwiches were delicious ... When he turned to look at nandhini to ask more . ..he noticed that nandhini had hung her head low and was on the verge of crying ..

Manik : nandhini

Nandhini raised her head a little
Manik u don't have to force yourself ..if u didn't like the sandwiches u would have told me ... I would have made something else for u .. Saying this she hung her head low

Manik's POV

I was shocked when she told that I didn't like the sandwiches .... Then I realised I hadnt given any comment on the sandwiches ..and this was the first time she cooked something for me ... I mean not me it was for mukthi .. But even then ... It was cooked by her and I am having her hand made sandwiches ... Shit ... I must have realised it and complemented her but what have I done .. Made her feel bad again ... But wait ... She was expecting my complements .. Yes ...she was ... Woow ..that means my complements affect her ... That's great ... Now wait n watch my dear Nandu ..

Manik: nandhini ...
Manik kept the plate asaide and cupped her chin ... Nandhini saw his face but again turned as she was hurt ...

Manik:Nandu ... Look at me please ...

This time nandhini looked at manik

Nandhini: why did you force yourself if u didn't like the sandwich ?

Manik smiled at her and said .. Of course u didn't make it for me na ?? Then what ... U made it for mukthi but she left so u gave it to me ...

Nandhini got hurt and she stood up to leave .. Manik held her hands ..pulled her towards him ...she landed on his lap ... Nandhini was shocked and tried to move but manik jus adjusted their positions a bit that there was little distance between manik and nandhini so that nandhini doesn't feel uncomfortable .

Manik: Nandu ... The sandwiches were amazing ... I didn't realise when it got over ... When I felt my plate empty only I realised that I ate all the sandwiches myself ..

Nandhu: no manik ..its ok no need to tell lies .. U can tell me the truth ..

Manik: do u think I will not like something which u made ?

Nandhini turned to look at manik .. She noticed the love and care in his eyes .. She just smiled her looked down.

Manik smiled at her cute antics ...
Nandu .. I loved the sandwich can I get some more?

Nandhini being nandhini .. Nooded her head in a no ... No sandwiches for u since u made me wait for so long for the comments. .

Manik ( smiling)... Please Nandu. . maaf karo na .. I'm damn hungry ... Some more sandwiches please ...... .please

Nandu: definitely not ... No sandwiches since u teased me .. And what will happen if u would told the sandwiches are nice ... Monster manik ...

Manik: what what monster ??I'm a monster ?? Now I will show u what a monster does and starts to tickle her ...nandhini starts to laugh and tires to escape from manik but manik was in no mood to give up ...finally she felt tired ..

Nandu : manik please na ..stop na .. Please ... After lot a pleas...manik stopped .. But some thing struck his mind..

Manik pulls nandhi closer... Waise nandhu .. Why does my comment bother u so much ??? U were waiting for my comment right?? Why does it matter it to you so much ??

Nandhu just realised what manik asked and tried to fight her inner turmoil .. Nandhini blushed looking down ..

Manik noticed her blush and smiled seeing her. He just wanted to kiss her cheeks but controlled himself as it will be too much for nandhu to take it..

Nandhu: ma..Man...manik ...

Manik: bolo na Nandu .. Kya hua .. (Smirking)

Nandhu : its nothing like DAT .. I thought u didn't like the sandwich .. Anyway if u want more .. Leave me .. Otherwise no sandwiches ..

Manik smiled and left her .. And nandhini immediately left to kitchen to prepare sandwiches for manik ...
Hello guys ... An update after a long long time .. My sincere apologies to all my friends who waited for such a long time ... Sorry guys ...extremely sorry .. I had my exams ... Just got over ... I promise there will b a regular update from now on .. Cheers ..enjoy .and apologize once again ;) happy weekend

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