Part 17

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Nandhini was sitting on the bed and mukthi after getting the number from manik called the doctor and informed her about Abhi and the doctor informed her that she will be there asap ..

Mukthi came inside the room and informed nandhini about the doctor's arrival ..
"Mukthi..u stay here ..I'll go n get some hot water for Abhi.." Nandhini said and mukthi hooded " sure nandhu.. U don't worry I'll take care" mukthi assured her and nandhini went to Kitchen and made sandwich for mukthi and hot water for Abhi ..
By the time she returned doctor was also there ...she was examining Abhi ... Later she called nandhini out and told her .."its nothing just a normal viral fever might be due to climate change or some outside food ... I'll prescribe some medicines .. Take care of him and give d medicines on time" .."sure doctor ..I'll take care of him ..thank you so much"..
Doctor smiled and moved out .. Nandhini after checking on Abhi..tears were continuously flowing seeing Abhi in that condition ...she came out running and bumped on someone and was about to fall ..when two hands grabbed her waist ..she looked up to see it was manik..manik was shocked to see her in that state ...her eyes were red due to crying ... Manik cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears with his thumb ...
He made her sit on the couch and sat beside her ..
Manik cupped her cheeks " nandhini..look at me" nandhini who was crying looking down after listening to manik's voice lifted her head and looked at him .. Manik again wiped her tears which flowed ..and told" don't worry ..Abhi will be alright ...its just a viral fever .. I spoke with doctor .. Nothing to worry ...we all are there for u "nandhini was staring at him and tears were flowing continuously .... Manik wiping her tears continued " do u trust me??" Nandhini was constantly staring at him and within seconds she pounced on him and hugged him tightly ..
Manik was first taken aback but later realised that she needed it as she was little week and worried for Abhi .. Later nandhini broke the hug after realising what she did and looked down in embarrassment .. Manik smiled at her and manik got up held his hand out to nandhini ..
Nandhini got up holding his hands and both waked inside the room ...
Abhi was awake and mukthi was not there ... Nandhini and manik walked inside the room ...both sat on the bed near Abhi ...

Abhi smiled at manik and manik returng ed his smile

Manik: what happened buddy .. U just scared us ... What happened suddenly ?

Abhi: chill manik ... Its a small fever .. Might be due to the climate change ...

Manik: common bro ... Take care of ur health .. Come back soon ... Well rock the college ...

Abhi: (smiling) ya sureee... (Winking) well rock and hey manik ... Thanks for ur help man .. It really means a lot ..

Manik: (glaring) ull tell thanks to ur friend ?? Common yar ...stop this thanks and sorry at least now .. We all r one team bro ..

Abhi (smiling) I'm really glad nandhu has got such great friends ...

Just then Abhi saw nandhu and she was looking down and keeping quite ... Both manik and Abhi.. Manik gestured Abhi to talk with her ...Abhi nooded and manik left the room

After manik left
Abhi : nandhu... (Nandhini didn't react nor looked at him )... Ull not see me?
(She nooded In a no ) Abhi smiled at her acts ... Ur angry with me ? Nandhu bobbed her head in a yes ... Abhi smiled ... Ull not forgive me??

Nandhini finally looked at him and hugged him.. placing her head on his chest ..
Nandhini: bhai... I was afraid .. U were running high temperature ... I didnt know what to do .. Tears started rolling down her cheeks ...I can't see u in pain bhai ...u are my everything ... My friend . my brother .... My protector .. Everything .. Please bhai ..take care of urself least for me . please... She started crying ..
Abhi patted her head ..
Abhi: shh...shh... No crying nandhu ... My nandhu is a strong girl ...she doesn't cry na ..see ur Abhi is sooper fine doll should not waste her tears ..they are prestigious na ... Saying all these Abhi cupped nandhini's face ..wiped her tears and kissed her forehead ..
Now ... Like my doll for me .so that I can get sooper well soon .. Comeon ..
Nandhini smiled a little ..
"That's like my nandhu" .. Abhi laughed..
Nandhu can u get a glass of hot water and medicines and call manik na .. I have to talk to him .. Nandhini nooded and left ...
After leaving nandhini said manik that Abhi was calling him and left to kitchen ..

Manik : Abhi. ..what's up bro .. Called ?

Abhi: come na manik sit.. Actually manik I wanted to talk to u ..

Manik: common bro ...don't be so formal ... I can ask me anything ...

Abhi: u like nandhini?

Manik was shocked with abhi's question ... He didn't know what to say he himself was figuring out what it was ...
Manik: bro .... That .. That.

Abhi: common manik ..jus now u told me that I'm ur friend n all ..u can say me anything..and I have seen u the way u saw her during her performance and after the performance on dat fusion competition ...

Manik: Abhi...nandhini .. I dono man... She has different .. I have feeling for her man ... Its very deep man .. I dono if its love or what .. But when I see her with others I get jealous .. When I see her hurt .it kills me ... When I see tears in her eyes .. I can't bear it .. It feels like my heart is spiliting ...I feel like I have to give her the best ... Be whatever she needs .. A friend ..a protector .. She is like my gravity who holds me to the earth ...suddenly everything became the opposite.. I was happy before her entry ..but after she entered my life only I realised that there was a empty space n only she can fill that space ...

Abhi was observing manik ... His eyes were sparkling when he was talking about nandhini ...Abhi suddenly moved n hugged manik ..

Manik was happy on Abhi hugging him and supporting him ... He returned the hug ..

Abhi: that's it manik all my worries on nandhu are erased ... I'm so happy that she got u in her life ... U know manik ... She is a broken soul .. She dosnt trust anyone ... She has gone through some difficult phases in her life ... So u have to take it really slow ... Like very slow ... Cause she is broken inside .. Its very difficult for her to trust anyone ... Any other person. ...but I know .. I trust u .. U can heal her .. Bring the old nandhu back .. Take care of her manik ...she is a gem ..

Manik: nooding his head .. I'm so happy I got her Abhi ... I'll never let her down ... I'll win her .. I'll get her trust ...

Abhi and manik were talking when nandhini entered and gave Abhi a glass of water and medicined ...then Abhi told that he was sleepy so both manik and nandhini moved out ...

Nandhini: where did this mukthi go?

Manik: ho ya ..I forgot ..wait I'll call her ..

Manik calls mukthi and she informs him that she reached home as nyonika called her importantly for some work... manik agrees and keeps the phone down ...

Manik informs nandhini that mukthi had left as mom gave her some work ..nandhini nodes
Nandhini hands him sandwiches and gesturs him to have it ..

Nandhini: manik... Have this .. U didn't eat ur dinner na ... Have this anyway I made this for mukthi ...but she left ...

Manik took the plate (teasingly)... So u made this for mukthi and since she left ur giving this to me?

Nandhini was finding ways to escape no manik ...nothi..nothng like that .. U must be hungry na so I gave ..

Manik : chill nandhini .. I was just pulling ur leg ..anyway the sandwich is really very nice. ..

Nandhini smiled at him
Cuming up: manik tries to win nandhini's trust ... Cabir and navya moments ...mukthi shattered ..

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