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At moorthy mansion
Manik: why do u need doctors number ... What happened is everything ok? I'm cumin right now ..

Mukthi: manik manik relax .. Nothing is wrong with me .. Actually I'm at nandhini house .. Moorthy mansion.

Before mukthi could complete her sentence ...manik interrupted

Manik: (freaking out) ...what happened to nandhini she ok? What happened .. Why didn't u call me? U could have told me before I would have come ... Is she fine ??

Before manik could further continue ... Mukthi interrupted
Mukthi: manik manik... Chill bro .. Nandhini is absolutely fine .. It Abhi .. Nandhini brother ..actually he is suffering from fever ..

Manik let out his breath in relief ...

Manik: ok I'm cuming.

At abhi's room

Abhi: what's wrong with u ... Stop behaving like this n stay away from me ... I can't even imagine u can stoop so low ... Its disgusting to see your face .. You all girls are d same ...

Mukthi was shocked to hear those words from Abhi ... Tears brimmed in her eyes ... She ran out from there ... As she felt her heart shattering ...

Nandhini without noticing bumped into manik ...she was about to fall when manik held her ... Both shared a cute eye lock..

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