Part 16

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Next morning nandhini wakes up ..she immediately remembers the previous night conversation with Abhi and the book which made her take a decision to stay within a safe distance from manik ...

Abhi knocks the door ...which interrupts her thoughts ...
Abhi: nandhu .. Get up and call Amma ...she is waiting to talk to u ..

Nandhu: ok Abhi

Nandhini (on phone) : hello Amma r u ..reached safely ?

Neetu: nandhu .. I reached ... Y didn't u call yesterday .?? And how was ur music competition?

Nandhu: Amma .. I won the competition was soo gud ...and yesterday I was so tired so went to bed ..forgot to call ...

Neetu: woow nandhu ..very gud kanna .. I'm proud of u ..waise get ready to college ... Make sandwich for u and Abhi too and then leave .

Nandhini: ok Amma ... I'll call u after coming from college ..waise when r u cuming back

Neetu: well back after 3days kanna ...

Nandhini: ok Amma bye

After the call ..nandhini gets ready and prepares sandwich from both herself and Abhi and then both leave together in car ..

Nandhini and Abhi reach college ...

Nandhini: Abhi .. U go I'll wait for navya here ...anyway shell b on her way only ..

Abhi: ok nandhu ...careful ..I'll meet u during break ..
Nandhini smiles and nodes...

Nandhini leans on the car and waits for navya ... Suddenly someone taps on her shoulders ..and she jerks.. She turns to see the person ..

Nandhu: mukthii... What's up.. U didn't go to class ?

Mukthi: no nandhini ... Waiting for cabir ..

Nandhini: arey mukthi me nandhu ..not nandhini .. We r friends ryt ...

Mukthi:(hugging her) nandhu

Nandhu: (smiles) waise...cabir ??where is he ?

Mukthi:on his way... Whome r u waiting for ?? Ur bhai?

Nandhu: no no .. im waiting for navya my friend

Just then navya and cabir enter ...navya sees nandhu and comes near her ...cabir notices mukthi and comes near her ...
Nandhini and mukthi waves their hand at them ..

Navya: nandhu .. I'm sorry year traffic ..

Nandhu: its oki navya mukthi .. Our senior ..

Mukthi: areey .. Don't call me senior and all I'm young only.. Jus mukthi . (she shakes her hand with navya )

Cabir : heyy girls ....

Mukthi: cabiraaaaaa....(side hugs cabir)

Cabir: woow... Look who is here . yesterday's starts of the show ...
Hearing this nandini smiles and navya blushes .. Cabir notices navya's blushing and smirks.... I'm cabir .. Mukthi's friend

Nandhini: hello cabir .. Nandhini (they both shakes their hands .

Navya : navya..( she takes cabir's hands looking into his eyes )... She feels odd and releases ..she looks down ...

Cabir notices navya's uneasiness but dosnt ask anything ..

Mukthi: guyss...if ur intro session is over can we go to class?

Nandhini navya and cabir nodes their head and all proceed towards their classes ...
Nandhini thinks to ask mukthi about manik ...but she ignores...while moving to the class she peeps into their class to see if manik is there ...but dosnt find him....she feels a prick in her stomach and feels uneasy on not seeing manik .. But ignores and proceeds towards their class room ...

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