19: Alison

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"FREAK!" He yelled as I cowered in the corner of the small cell. My mom watched from the other room tied to a chair being forced to see me being tortured. Baron Von Strucker towered over my 3 year old body. I whimpered silently as he brought his hand across my face.
I woke up sitting up in the bunk bed. The sound of Johnny snoring brought me back to reality. I remember where we were. In the place where I was trained. Hydra was trying to get me. So was my homicidal maniac father. Sweat trickled down my forehead as a awful headache found it's way into my mind. The air conditioner kicked on making me jump. I ran my hand through my raven black hair and looked around the room. I looked down at Johnny who was sleeping peacefully. He looks like an angle when he sleeps. Wait what?! Sometimes I really hate myself for thinking of the stupidest things. I quietly and slowly climbed down the ladder. I was about to walk to the door when I felt something grab my wrist. I let out a small yelp and turned to see Johnny's blue orbs open and his was holding my wrist tightly.
"Hey. What are you doing up?" He asked tiredly.
"Uh... Nightmare... Can't sleep" I said wiggling away from his grasp. But he pulled me into the bottom bunk with him and hugged me like a teddy bear.
"I'll help" he said burying his face into my hair. His hot breath tickling my neck making me squirm trying to get out of his grasp. I wiggled away from him and fell onto the floor with a THUMP! Waking Johnny up now. He looked around until his eyes landed on me.
"What'd you do fall off your bunk?" He asked.
"You're an idiot. Go back to sleep flame brain" I said getting up and walking to the door. I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The sound of a chain breaking made me jump. I looked into the main room to see Steve standing over a broken punching bag.
"Nightmares?" I asked entering the room with a small smile.
"I guess you could say that" Steve said grabbing another punching bag and hanging it onto the hook.
"Does Mr America need a hug?!" I asked smiling widely.
"No, Mr America, doesn't need a hug" he said grumpily.
"What's wrong with you, grumps?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.
"That's a really stupid question" he said.
"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Just go back to bed" he said waving off my question.
"I can't. Every time I do, I have nightmares" I said staring at his back. His back is shaped like a Dorito! A DORITO!
"Not my problem" Steve said not even glancing over his shoulder.
"Well what is your problem?" I asked. Maybe I shouldn't ask him questions like that. Next thing I knew I was up against the cement wall staring into his piercing blue eyes that didn't look to happy.
"You should know what my problem is, Jade" he said.
"How should I know?!" I asked getting a little angry. I guess he was too because his grip tightened around my wrist that were pinned against the wall.
"You're right. How should you know?" He asked himself, "but I can tell you why... You're the enemy and always will be." I looked at him with hurt in my eyes.
"You're right, Cap. I am the enemy. I guess I can't be on good side for once when my father is Loki and I will remain the bad guy. I get it! I really do. You think people can't change. Well maybe you're right about that cap!" I hissed as I yanked my wrist away from him. He was exactly right. It made my blood boil that after all this time he still is the same Captain I met him.
"No! Just go" I said and he walked away with anger. I'll finish this by myself. It was my problem to begin with. Yes this could lead to suicide but I don't want anyone getting hurt. Maybe I could prove that I'm a hero. I walked back to my room and saw that Johnny had fallen back asleep. I turned the knob on the dresser and the closet opened up revealing my new suit. I put on the suit. And slid the katanas into place. I grabbed my new shocker rods and slid them into my boots. My new knife. I put on my mask and looked in the mirror. I grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes. I left a note on the dresser and then ran to the elevator. Soon I had gotten out of the theater. Time to find my so called father and see what he wants. I walked down the cold street looking for anything or everything I could. I hopped onto the fire escape and climbed up to the roof. The moon shone above as I ran across the roof top and jumped across to the other roof. I jumped down into a alley and landed next to a homeless man.
"Sup" I said nodding to the man and he nodded back. I smirked under my mask before running down the alley as fast as I could. I saw an old abandon ware house close by. I hid behind a few boxes and climbed up. I looked into the ceiling window to see none other than Luke. And guess who he was talking too! MY DAD! I stared at the two before pulling out my gun and shooting Luke and killing him. Yay. I jumped down to the ground and met my father's gaze. I did kind of look like him.
"Jade Alice Raven" Loki said with a smirk realizing who I was.
"Father" I growled staring at him.
"Jade?" asked a women's soft voice making me turn around to see my mother making her way toward me. She looked exactly like the way I remember her. I looked at her with wide eyes.
"M-mom?" I asked walking toward her and went for a hug but my hand went right through her. A fake. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned towards Loki who was looking down at me. He slowly took off my mask and threw it across the ground bumping into Luke's dead body.
"You look so much like your mother" he said rubbing a scar on my cheek I got from fighting with Hydra with his thumb.
"Why did you send Hydra to kill me?" I asked.
"I didn't send them to kill you. I simply sent them to retrieve you. I wanted my daughter back" He said moving pieces of my hair away from my face.
"Well it seemed like they wanted to kill me" I stated.
"Jade, why would I want to kill my own daughter?" He asked staring at me with his emerald green eyes.
"We're f-family" I said.
"I know what it feels like to be misunderstood" He said kneeling down to my height.
"I'm always seen as the enemy. Only a few people understand me!" I groaned, "but I'm not even suppose to be out of my hiding area."
"Hiding area?" He asked.
"Can't tell you. I don't want danger to come to Alison" I growled poking his chest harshly, "you hurt her!"
"It was simply trying to get to you" he said soothingly as he grabbed my wrist.
"That's why I hate you" I hissed, "why'd you leave me and momma?"
"I didn't want to leave. I had to go back to Asgard" he said.
"I'm not on your side. I want to be something I know I can be" I said taking out my katanas and twirling them in my hands.
"You'll fight your own father?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes... You're no father to me" I said running at him swinging my katanas in different directions. He kicked me in the stomach and my katanas fell to the ground with a clinking sound. I looked up at him and turned my head to the side. I ran at him once again and jumped landing on his shoulders. I tightened my thighs around his neck trying to choke him. He threw me off of his shoulders and towered over me.
"JADE!" I heard someone yell. I turned to see Alison standing with Emma, Thea and Arianna. I wasn't paying attention and Loki kicked the back of my knee making me yelp and my leg give out. Emma ran at Loki and sucker punched him right in the jaw. Emma helped me stand as Loki rubbed his jaw where Emma had punched him.
"What were you thinking?!" Emma asked pulling me farther away from Loki.
"I'll tell you later" I said.
"No tell us now" Thea said as Arianna glared at Loki with her hands in flames.
"Steve told me that I was the enemy and always will be" I mumbled making Arianna's flames grow larger, "I came looking for Loki... To change what everyone thought of me."
"Don't listen to Steve" Emma said putting her hand on my shoulder.
"He doesn't see how damaged people can be" said Thea.
"Jade! You might need this" Alison said holding up my mask and she tossed it to me. I caught it and put it onto my face.
"The Raven has been released from her cage" Emma said. The four of us charged at Loki at full speed. Thea and Emma combined their dark magic together and blasted it at Loki knocking him off his feet. Arianna grabbed one of my katanas and warmed it up before hitting Loki's arm with it. Loki teleported somewhere and strong arms wrapped around my neck. I elbowed him in the stomach before biting his hand. He yelled out loudly in pain.
"EVERYBODY DUCK!" I yelled as Emma, Thea, and Arianna laid down on their stomachs and ice blasted everywhere. It hit Loki in the chest making him fall backward.
"J-Jade?" asked a weak voice. I turned to see Alison with an ice shard sticking out of her stomach.
"NO!" I yelled and rushed toward her. Before she fell to the ground, I quickly caught her, "no. No. No. This can't be happening!" Alison laid her head in my lap as I slowly pulled the ice shard out of her stomach. She whimpered at the pain and I apologized silently.
"J-Jade can y-you sing for m-me?" Alison asked as her skin grew cold.
"Sure, what song?" I asked moving her hair from her face.
"L-Lullaby" she said as Emma, Thea and Arianna stood behind me with tears in their eyes.

They send me away to find them a fortune
A chest filled with diamonds and gold
The house was awake
With shadows and monsters
The hallways they echoed and groaned

I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

I paced around for hours, on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

I'm well acquainted
With villains that live in my bed
They beg me to write them
So they'll never die when I'm dead

And I've grown familiar
With villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them
So I'll never die when I'm dead

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

I held Alison's body close to mine as she gave her final breath. My sobs echoed through the warehouse. "Jade? It wasn't your fault" Emma said placing her hand on my shoulder. Warm, salty tears ran down my cheeks as I stared at Alison's dead body. Her face pale. My mother use to tell me people look peaceful when they die but Alison just looked dead. She shouldn't have came. I killed the one person who I cared for most. I got up and stared at my father as he rose from the ground.
"Is this what you wanted?" I asked harshly as Thea and Arianna held me back from doing something I'd regret. Loki teleported away in seconds, "yeah you better go." I turned back to Alison's body. I picked her up like a child and nodded to the girls. We walked out of the warehouse out into the cold rain. Alison's face was white. She looked almost frozen. I guess that's what ice does to the body.
"Touch my shoulders, I'll teleport us back to the theater" I said and the girls touch my shoulders and I teleported us to the back door. Thea opened the door and we all walked in. Soon we were in the elevator going down to the hide out. When the doors opened I saw everyone waiting in the main room. They must've been worried. I laid Alison down on the couch and walked over to where Steve sat. He was sitting with Natasha and Thor. I slammed my mask down on the table and glared at him.
"You were right, Cap. I'm the enemy" I said before storming off to my bedroom slamming the door. Johnny didn't have enough time to get into the room. I locked it. I took off my suit and change into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I climbed up the ladder and laid there staring at the ceiling. I killed Alison.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry!!! I warned you guys about something bad happening! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry if you cried about Alison's death. But hey... Luke's dead. I'm sorry about having Jade kill Alison on accident. But her death will play a big problem in future chapters. I want you guys to predict what will happen in the next chapters. Maybe Jade won't get over Alison's death. Maybe it'll push her to her breaking point. Uh oh! Comment your predictions! And also comment if you are really mad at Steve for snapping at Jade~ Kenlee Faith❤️❤️❤️

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