25: Mother

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I opened the door and stared at the person in front of me in disbelief. She had a smile on her face and pulled me into a comforting hug. "It's been so long" she said rubbing my back slowly. I felt something. I was happy. It was my mother. I hugged her back and buried my face into her shoulder. She kissed my forehead with a smile before moving a piece of my hair from my face.
"You look so beautiful" she said cupping my face in her hands.
"M-mom?" I choked out staring into her piercing blue eyes.
"Hi sweetie" she said smiling kindly at me. Her eyes were soft and gentle. Just like I remembered her, "you've grown up so fast."
"A-are you real?" I asked.
"Why would you ask that?" She asked as she closed the door and we sat down on my bed.
"Loki made fake versions of you. He tricked me into thinking they were actually you" I said staring into her eyes.
"Oh sweetie. Your father and I need to talk. He just likes playing games. I remember when I first met him. He was as stubborn as a mule. But when you show him that you care about him... He changes" she said as with a wave of her hand she made a flower.
"That's amazing" I said staring at the black rose.
"Jade, remember what I told you when you were little?" She asked.
"My little Raven?" I asked.
"Yes. You are mine and your father's little raven. Jade, promise me something" she said.
"Yes mother?" I asked letting my accent slip. My dad sounds British. That's kind of what I sound like. I also sounded like my mother. From Brooklyn.
"Promise me that you will be an Avenger. Be a hero. I know you thought you were doing good but you can still be a good person" she said, "just because you feel bad doesn't mean you are bad."
"I promise" I said.
"That's my girl" she said smiling, "now I'm gonna have a talk with your father."
"Yeah. Tell him I'm sorry for yelling at him" I said as she stood up.
"I will" she said before walking away. My phone beeped and I saw it was a text for Peter.

Wanna go for a swing?~ Bug Boy!

Sure. Let me put on my suit!~ Raven

I clicked the button to the dresser and there was my suit. I put in my suit and mask before opening the balcony doors. "JARVIS! Tell Tony and the others that I went for a swing. And tell them I have my phone with me" I said as Peter swung by in his SpiderMan suit. He wrapped an arm around me as he went by and we started swinging through the air.
"Woohoo!" I yelled as we swung.
"Watch out! We're swinging here!" Peter yelled to the people as we swung past in a New York accent. I couldn't help but laugh.
"This is soooo cool!" I yelled as we landed on the roof of a building.
"Jade, can we talk?" Peter asked.
"Sure. What about?" I asked smiling under my mask.
"Do you want to go to prom with me?" He asked and I just kind of stood there. My mind went to Johnny. Johnny wasn't close to my age. Peter was. But love had no age. But I felt something for Peter and Johnny.
"Can I think about it?" I asked.
"Johnny Storm?" He asked crossing his arms.
"Wellllllll" I said.
"That was a really long welllllll, Jade" he said.
"It's complicated" I said staring at him.
"Let me guess... You like him but yet you like me and you don't know who to chose" he said.
"You're good at guessing" I said.
"I have something that Mr Torch doesn't have" he said.
"Oh really? What's that?" I asked.
"I'm a gentleman" he said. You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Johnny can be a gentleman when he wants too. But I guess I would have to agree with you" I said as he fist pumps the air.
"Aww yeah!" He said happily, "so is it true... Raven is gonna be a hero?"
"Yep. I'm switching to the good side. All my life I thought I was bad. I guess it's time to change" I said as Alison flashed into my mind.
"Hey... I see those tears in your eyes" he said walking closer and taking off his mask showing his oh so lovely face. Shut up! He walked closer and took ahold of my mask before gently taking it off. He began to lean in slowly. I leaned in as well and our lips collided softly. I hummed in response as I became less tense.
"Who knew SpiderMan was a good kisser" I joked when we stopped to breath.
"Better than Johnny?" He asked.
"Close" I said putting my mask back on, "I better be heading back."
"Yeah. Hey uh there is a test this coming Thursday... Uh do you want to... Come over and study?" He asked.
"Sure. I'm gonna need all the help I can get" I said as he pulled his mask over his face.
"Awesome. See you tomorrow!" He said before jumping off the building leaving me to teleport. I teleported back to the tower to see a very angry soldier waiting for me. He didn't look to happy.
"Hey Mr Liberty!" I said happily taking off my mask and walking inside.
"Where were you?!" He asked.
"With a friend" I said trying to unzip my suit.
"Really?! Well you need to tell us before you leave! I was worried sick!" He said.
"You? You were worried about me? When does that ever happen?! Steve, you hated me in the beginning! What's the difference now?!" I asked raising my voice a little.
"You've changed" he said.
"So have you" I said as I heard a certain Hot Head talking as he ran into the room and engulfed me in a hug.
"Hello my dear" Johnny said lifting me off the ground with excitement.
"Hello" I said as he planted a soft kiss on my cheek. What did I miss?
"How was your swing with SpiderMan?" He asked a little more angry now. Oh god!
"Uhhhhhhhhhh" I said lost for words as his hands clamped down on my arms.
"Jade" he said in a warning tone.
"Johnny" I said mimicking the tone, "me and Spidey are just friends."
"Oh really?! Then why did I see you two kissing?!" He asked as Steve awkwardly let himself out of the room. Hawkward!
"So you've been spying on me?!" I asked.
"Yes- no- maybe!" He said.
"I can't believe you!" I yelled.
"You can't believe me? I can't believe you making out with bug boy!" He said.
"You know what. Get out! I think we need a bit of a break" I said pushing Johnny out of the room.
"You're right. Have fun with Spidey!" He said.
"Thanks! At least he's more of a gentleman than you'll ever be!" I yelled slamming the door on his face. I locked the door and slammed my back against the wall slowly sliding down to the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and grabbed my phone.

Yes~ Raven

Yes what?~ Bug Boy

Yes to going to prom~ Raven

Great! I'll see you tomorrow~ Bug Boy

Okay~ Raven

I sat there for awhile before deciding to go to my Uncle Thor's bedroom. He's probably sleeping. I changed into one of Steve's sweatshirts and a pair of Clint's sweatpants. I knocked on the door and waiting for my Uncle to answer. The door opened and there stood my Uncle eating a poptart.
"Hey Uncle Thor" I said smiling.
"Hello Jade" Thor said in his regular booming voice.
"Can I have one of those comforting talks?" I asked before I was pulled into the room and into a hug that nearly squished me to death. I love my Uncle Thor.

Do you think Johnny and Jade will get back together? Or do you think Jade will stay with Peter? Who ships Jade and Peter? Spider Raven! I don't know who I ship anymore! I think I still ship Johnny and Jade but sometimes I ship Jade and Peter!~ Kenlee Faith❤️❤️

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