10: Midnight Snack and Training

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I put on an oversized sweatshirt that Uncle Thor gave me and I put up the hood. It's been 2 days and I've only came out of the room for food. That's all I've ever came out for. Thor would come into my room and comfort me since he is my Uncle. He hasn't told the team at all. The only bad thing is, is that Steve's room is right near mine and Thor's. But Thor went back to Asgard last night so I'm basically left alone. I slipped on my sweatpants and slowly opened my door. Steve's door was shut but you should hear him snoring inside. I opened my door a little bit more making it creak. I crept out into the hallway and walked out into the small kitchen. I tip toed over to the fridge and slowly opened it. I took out the milk and poured myself a glass. I put the milk back in the fridge and looked through the cabinet and found Oreo cookies. I smiled at my success and reached for the delicious treat. To short. I tip toed to Steve's room not wanting to ask him for help but he's tall. I wonder if Tony has any footstools lying around. If he doesn't, he should get one. I knocked softly on Steve's door hoping he would just remain sleeping and not wake up but you know sometimes things don't go my way.
"What?" Steve asked tiredly as he rubbed his eyes.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Why?" He asked. Well sorry Mr Sunshine that I woke you.
"I can't reach the Oreos because I'm too short" I said as he tried not to laugh, "you know what, go back to bed. I'll do it myself!" I walked away from his door and went back into the kitchen. I thought for awhile before climbing up onto the counter. I grabbed the Oreos but I slipped off the counter. I waited for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Steve holding me so I didn't fall to the ground.
"I got them" I said as I hopped out of his grasp and grabbed my glass of milk with a smile, "now if you'll excuse me... I have some Oreos to eat." I was about to walk away but Steve grabbed my hood with his finger and pulled me back.
"Do I get a thank you for saving you?" He asked smiling as I took a big breath getting ready to say something.
"No" I said before I continued to walk away.
"Don't lock your door. Tomorrow you have training" he said.
"I'm locking my door, Cap" I said as I took out an Oreo and put it in my mouth.
"I'm serious, Jade" Steve said.
"Don't care" I said with a mouth full as I pushed the door open with my side, I looked back to Captain who stood at the door unamused by my attitude, "goodnight, Mr Liberty." I slammed the door on his face with my foot and I placed my stuff down and locked the door. I brought my delicious snacks over to the bed and sat down. Yesterday Tony told me not to eat in my room. Does it look like a follow orders.
"Hey JARIVS can you turn on The Hunger Games?" I asked.
"As you wish, Mrs Raven" JARIVS said.
"You can call me: Jade. Mrs Raven sounds like I'm old" I said.
"Certainly, Jade" JARIVS said making me smile as he turned on The Hunger Games, I sat on the bed eating Oreos, drinking milk, and watching The Hunger Games all night. I wonder what Thor is doing? The necklace Thor gave me laid off to the side on the bedside table. That night I fell asleep with the box of Oreos in hand, thankfully the milk was on the bedside table.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a certain Super Soldier knocking on my bedroom door. I groaned loudly and looked over at the time. 8:30 am. I threw my pillow at the door.
"Let me sleep!" I yelled laying back down.
"I told you last night that you had training to do" Steve said.
"Go away" I groaned the suddenly the door opened scaring the crap out of me.
"Get up" he said shutting the door behind him.
"How'd you get in?!" I asked.
"JARIVS let me in" Steve said.
"Traitor" I mumbled as I shoved my face into my pillow.
"Get up" he said pulling the blankets off of me.
"I'm not gonna repeat myself again: go away" I said then he grabbed the pillow I had my face on and yanked it out from underneath my face, "I really hate you."
"Get up, Jade" Steve said.
"Nope" I said rolling over so my back was facing him.
"Fine, suit yourself" he said as I didn't hear him leave. Finally peace and quiet. I felt the bed move and next thing I knew I was rolling off the bed and onto the floor. Steve put down the mattress and then threw a pair of clothes at my face.
"Get dressed and then meet me at the training room in 10 minutes" he said before leaving. Isn't he happy in the mornings. That was sarcasm people. I groaned loudly before getting up and shutting my door with a slam. I changed into a black tank top and a pair of black yoga pants. I grabbed a pair of sneakers and put them on as I walked out of the room. I grabbed a pop-tart from the box. Thor thought he could hide his secret stash. I walked into the elevator.
"Training room, JARVIS" I said as I opened the pop-tart and took a bite out just as the doors started to close.
"Right away, Jade" JARIVS said making me smile. Once the doors opened I walked out and found the right training room. Steve stood there punching a bag. I entered the room and at the sudden noise of footsteps Steve turned around and watched as I walked down the small steps into the training room. I took another bite of my poptart as I walked up to him.
"So we doing this training thing or what?" I asked with my mouth full as he grabbed my poptart and threw it in the trash, "that was my breakfast."
"Does it look like I care?" He asked.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" I pouted.
"Stop whining" he complained.
"Well then you shouldn't have woken-" I was interrupted when he threw a punch at me catching me off guard, I quickly ducked, "REALLY?! No warning?!"
"Pay attention" he said.
"You do not hit a lady" I said as he laughed.
"You're not a lady" he said smiling.
"You are the definition of rude" I said.
"And you are the definition of childish and reckless" he said.
"I am unfazed by your words, Cap" I said as I threw a punch at him but he caught my fist before it came in contact with his face.
"I pay attention" he said as I kneed him in the stomach
"Really?" I asked as he bent down in pain. He grabbed my foot and pulled me down to the floor. He pinned down my arms and legs. His face a few inches from mine.
"Really" he said smiling then catching him off guard and kicked him where it hurts and he fell off of me. I crawled away and then stood up. He got up as well and ran towards me. He pushed me up against the wall.
"Remember when you said we can use powers in the training room?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said and I teleported behind him and ran at him. I was about to jump on his shoulders but he turned and punched me in the stomach making me fall to the mat. I held my stomach in pain. I felt like I was gonna puke. I closed my eyes tightly trying to block out the pain. Did he break my rib? I looked up at him and he didn't seemed concerned at all.
"I'm never training with you again" I hissed as I got up slowly and tied my raven hair back into a ponytail.
"Well let's do something hard" he said.
"THAT WASN'T HARD?!" I asked.
"Nope" he said.
"Let's do something Basic" I said.
"That was Basic" he said.
"NO IT WAS NOT!" I yelled grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
"To me it was" he said.
"Well everything isn't about you, Cap" I said as I took a drink from the water bottle. I walked towards the door and pushed it open. I walked back the the elevator and pushed the button that had Cap's shield and Thor's hammer. The doors closed and started going up. Soon the doors opened again and I exited the elevator. Clint sat there on couch as if waiting for me.
"Hey kid. I was waiting for you. You wanna train?" Clint asked.
"If you train like Cap, then no. But if you're normal, then yes" I said making him smile.
"I'm just gonna teach you how to fire an arrow" he said.
"Sounds easy" I said smiling. We walked back to the elevator and he pushed a button.
"How was training with Steve?" Clint asked.
"He threw my poptart" I said sadly recalling the memory of my precious poptart being thrown into the trash.
"Poor you" Clint said smiling.
"At least someone gets me!" I said making him chuckle.
"That was sarcasm" he said.
"I use sarcasm all the time" I said smiling.
"You remind me so much of your mom" he said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Oh my god yes! She was always sarcastic. She talked back to Fury. She didn't listen to rules" he said, "and she very funny."
"You were her best friend?" I asked.
"Yeah. Me and Nat both but when Nick sent us to kill her I just couldn't. Me and Nat didn't pull the trigger. You're mom is still alive" he said.
"WHAT?!" I asked.
"I know! She told us everything about you. Nat went to go find you but she never could" Clint said, I didn't respond. I stared at him for a long while before hugging him.
"We need to find her" I said.
"Me and Nat have been trying" he said.
"I'll help" I said.
"I'll talk to Nat" he said as the doors opened and we went to train. I shot the middle of the target a ton of times. Clint seemed impressed. Maybe living in Avengers Tower wouldn't be so bad.

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