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The world is full of strange things. As people go about their daily lives no one cares to think about the danger. They have their precious "Avengers" watching over them. They think that the Avengers would take care of a small threat just with the snap of their fingers. But there is one threat they've been trying to get ahold of for about 5 years. At first she didn't seem like much of a threat. But over time she became number 3 on SHIELD's radar. She's like a shadow. You can't catch her.

The rain sprinkled down onto the street as a man fixed his coat and headed into the dark alley. A nervous chill crept up his spine, he kept walking and soon he felt as if someone were watching him. She watched from the shadows as her icy blue eyes burned into the mans head. She grew a strong hatred towards this man for more than 3 years, they never were the best of friends. He spun on his heel and faced the small dark alley.
"I know y-you're there!" He said pulling out a pistol and pointed it at the darkness.
"Then why so scared?" She asked stepping out into the dim light. Her blue eyes twinkled in the light. She had pale skin, raven black hair, and cold eyes. If looks could kill this guy would be dead. She crossed her arms over her chest that was covered black catsuit. Her raven black hair was in a long braid and she wore a mask that covered her nose and mouth.
"You're t-the Raven" he stuttered still pointing his gun at her face.
"Lovely to meet you too" Raven said with a smirk that was covered by her mask. She raised her eyebrow noticing the mans shaky hand as he held the gun, "little shaky, aren't we?"
"I've had a rough day" he said trying to calm his fear.
"That's upsetting, Andy" Raven said as she stepped a little closer.
"How do you know my name?!" Andy asked with fear.
"You're Andrew Pierce. Your father is Alexander Pierce" she said.
"What did you have against my father?" Andy asked.
"Oh, well, your father killed my dear mother when I was 2" Raven hissed, "and I plan to get revenge."
"Please! I had nothing to do with your mothers death-" he was cut off by the Raven laughing as she dried her tears of laughter.
"That was hilarious. Your father didn't even know my mother. But I want something from you" She said.
"What do you want? I'll get it just please don't kill me" Andy pleaded.
"Well, I need $10,000 and maybe a few things I'll have to write down" she said.
"I'll do anything" Andy said almost in tears.
"You are such a big baby" She said as she started to leave and but turned to face him, "oh by the way... This is nothing personal between us."
She charged at Andy and kicked him where it hurts. He bent down to the ground in pain. The Raven grabbed his brown hair and pulled back making him yelp in pain. She smiled under her mask as she twisted his arm back making it crack. Andy fell on the ground in pain and tried to get up by using a crate as support. Raven jumped onto the crate then onto his shoulders and tightened her thighs around his neck. His face turned a ruby red color. He grabbed her leg and pushed her off not sending her far. She reached down and took the poison tipped blade from her black combat boots. She rushed at Andy and drove the blade into his chest. She took out the blade and slid it back into her boot. She put a lovely black rose onto his chest and then carved an 'R' into his wrist. She disappeared into the shadows before SHIELD got there.
Meet Jade Harrison or also known as The Raven. She's 15 almost 16. Jade was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. At age 2 her parents were killed in a dangerous experiment. She was left all alone. But not really. She still had her Husky named Razor. He was a gorgeous husky with blue eyes. He knew how to bite too. Her neighbor, Adam, is like her brother. Adam doesn't know about her secret or anything else about her. She would like to keep it that way. He thinks that her parents died in a fire and she was left with money so she bought an apartment. The only one that knew about her secret was her one and only true friend, Alison. Alison is a 10 year old hacker. She knows all about computers. She lives with Jade. Jade found her alone on the streets of New York and now partners. Jade and Alison are like siblings. If something happened to Alison, Jade would hunt down whoever hurt her. Jade cares about her.
Jade entered the apartment to see Alison created some kind of smoothie in the kitchen. A mix of bananas, strawberries, kiwi, and mangos. Alison poured her special drink into two glasses.
"To celebrate the victory of getting $20,000" Alison said as the two of them clinked their glasses together.
"We won't have to worry about Andy for a while" Jade said taking off her mask and sitting it on the counter. She took a sip of the smoothie and her face scrunched up at the taste.
"Do you like it?" Alison asked.
"It's lovely" Jade said trying to get the sour taste from her mouth.
"Yay!" Alison said as she took a long sip of the mixture before putting the glass in the sink.
"I'm going to go get changed" Jade said grabbing her mask and entering her bedroom. She took off her catsuit and changed into something more comfortable. Sweatpants and a t-shirt. She plopped down on the couch as Razor ran over and rested his head on her lap. Alison cuddled into Jade's side. Alison looked at Jade as if she were her sister. She felt protected around her.
"Go get ready for bed" Jade said as she woke Alison up. Alison went to her little bedroom and got changed. Jade allowed Razor into Alison's bedroom, "he'll sleep her tonight."
"Okay" Alison said as Razor jumped onto her bed and curled up next to her. Jade went into her own room and laid down. Tomorrow was a new day. And new challenges waited around every corner. Jade would soon discover the hard problems in her life but Jade would do anything to make sure things she cherished were protected. If something ever happened she had different plans. Jade soon fell asleep while listening to the cars roll by outside.

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