Chapter 4 | Wounds

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"You mentioned Frank," Sweeny spoke as we walked up the stairs, "He would down right there." He gestured towards one of the wings of the second floor. Then he changed the direction of his hand, "Now down there, if things ever get so terribly bad you can't bare, there's a gentleman in there that can help you."

I squinted to read the signs, seeing the wing he was referring to held the spirits and demons. Then I glanced back to him, "Who?"

"Hellboy. He's not the most delightful gentleman to deal with, but he bring order back if need be. Loki, a rather polite gentleman downstairs, he can be a good resource as well. Now, if things get so God awful, if chaos completely ensues to the point you think the only solution is to burn the building down, there is someone down in the aliens exhibit that will help you. I won't even utter his name because I highly do not suggest ever enlisting his help, no matter how bad it gets."

"Um, okay." I responded.

What else was I supposed to say? He obviously didn't want to speak on the matter. I followed him up the next flight of stairs. Sweeney had a very dominant nature to him. He lead, whereas Edward was so shy that he stayed behind me. You wouldn't think someone so dangerous would be so afraid of life.

"What exactly is it that makes everything here come to life?" I asked.

"The Mummy's tablet. It only effects the building it is in." He replied.

I became concerned by that, "So, that includes the loading dock too?"

"That is apart of the building, isn't it?" Sweeney sassed me. I sighed, and he simply smirked at my frustration, "Yes, it is. It's unfortunate. All those poor things, alive but trapped in their storage containers."

"Wait, so what about the new exhibit? How do you learn to deal with characters when new ones come in?" I asked.

Sweeney stopped as we came to the top of the stares. He looked back at me with curiosity twisting his face, "What new exhibit?"

"Angelo didn't tell you? They're finally building exhibits on the forth level. The first, they're adding video game villains. I don't know what they are though." I said, "I can try to call him when I get my phone back. I dropped it in the basement running from Myers."

"No, it's alright. It's just... Interesting he didn't mention it."

"He didn't seem to thrilled on the idea." I told him.

"Angelo isn't the biggest fan of the new age media. He prefers the classics, much like me. Anyways, to answer your question, he typically locks their exhibit until he's done enough research on them. He'll observe them too." Sweeney explained.

"Um, excuse me?" Edward finally spoke up.

We both looked back at him at the same time. He timidly pointed towards our left, where we turned our eyes. The Gremlins were running and leaping madly towards the cafeteria. Why would you put the food on the same floor as the creatures? That seems like a rather dumb idea.

Sweeney started to run off after them. He said over his shoulder, "I'll deal with them. You, take care of that!"

I set my sights forward to see what I had feared. Even from here, we could see the chaos ensuing in the murderer exhibit. Leatherface began to chase Carrie down the hallway. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to stop this. I grabbed Carrie, turned her around, and shoved her back in the direction she came from. At least then I can keep them in one room. She ran back down the hall and Leatherface began to follow her yet again.

I glanced back and realized that Edward was beginning to waddle away. I grabbed him by the back of one of his harnesses and pulled him behind me. Like it or not, this is my job. Sweeney came barreling past us.

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