Chapter 7 | Dolls

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Chris was nice enough to bring me food. Truthfully, we all know Angelo made him do it. Regardless, I was happy to have real food. It's been awhile since I've eaten something that cost more than two dollars. I've only been working here a week, okay? I still am in a lot of debt and can't afford to eat. Anyways, Chris and I sat down in the security office to eat and talk.

"I'm sorry I sprung this whole situation on you." He admitted, much to my surprise.

"Hm, did Angelo make you say that?" I teased him.

Chris sighed, "I'm serious. I really am sorry. I know you though. You would've called me insane and walked out on me if I tried to tell you."

"It's fine." I replied, "I got over it. This new exhibit though... It's going to be a lot for the museum to handle. It's going to be a lot for me to handle. I was wondering if I could get some... help?"

"I don't want my Ange back here. Not after what happened." He was quick to insist.

"I understand. I wasn't referring to Ange... That tour guide you introduced me to, Devin. I want to show him. I know he's trustworthy for it."

Chris let his eyes wander over to the monitors. He swigged back a drink from his Pepsi as he pondered. "I'll think about it. Devin is a good friend of mine and Angelo's, but... I'll just have to think about it. Did you talk to all the exhibits like I asked you to?"

"Almost all of them. I didn't get around to the children or the creatures exhibits yet, and well... I don't want to go into the dolls exhibit." I muttered the last part.

He raised one of his perfect eye brows, "Are you scared of dolls, Ricky?"

"No." I was quick to retaliate, "Just... One doll in particular. When I was a kid, no horror movies freaked me out really. Except one, and I still have nightmares about it to this day." I glanced over at the monitors, seeing just the character's shadow in the dim room. "...Child's Play."

Chris sighed and stood up. "Don't be a little bitch."

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Do you think I cared about my bitch status in that moment? Fuck no. It's not like I have anyone to impress. Chris and I have no each other for many, many years. He's seen me at my worst. Embarrassing myself in front of him wasn't a big deal to me. He walked in front of me and the second we entered the exhibit, all the dolls and puppets turned their heads towards us. Fuck no, fuck no, fuck fuck fuck no.

Chris grabbed my shoulder as I turned to walk out. I sighed, giving in and continuing to walk inside. I do not like this at all. They all look so creepy. They don't even have lungs but I bet they can smell fear. Their movements are so fucking creepy too. Like little robots or some shit. I examined the room that stared at me. Finally, my eyes landed on Chucky.

He jumped down from his pedestal, walking towards us. "Well, look who decided to finally show up!" He yelled.

"I've been busy!" Chris snapped back.

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