Chapter 14 | Help Me Help You

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"What's wrong?" I asked as soon as I realized he was crying, "Did I fuck up?"

He raised his head again with a sniffle. "No, it's not you. You've done everything right... It's... It's me. I... I have a boyfriend. I'm so sorry I've been lying to you like this." He started to sob again, barely able to finish the sentence.

"Shh, it's okay." I cooed as he cried into my shirt, "I knew you had a boyfriend. I also know he hurts you."

Devin started to cry even harder. I tightened my arms around him to let him know I was still here. I'm not going anywhere. The poor thing felt so guilty about it. I can only blame Dixon for installing that type of fear into him. "Who told you?" He muttered.

"A few people, actually. Chris, Ange... Chucky..." I replied.

He looked back up at me with concern. "Chucky?"

"They see what goes on during the day, even if the can't move or talk." I explained.

Devin thought about it for a moment. He was thinking back for the right moment. When it hit him, his tears overflowed again. I didn't know the best thing to say. He must still care about Dixon somewhat if he's stayed with him. He doesn't care about him enough if he's been fooling around with me.

"I'm so sick of living with someone that I'm scared of." He cried.

"Why don't you go to the cops?" I asked.

"Look at me!" He responded as he backed up a bit, gesturing to himself, "I'm a fucking crossdressing guy that gets fucked in the ass. The police don't like gays. They'd laugh in my face."

"You don't know that."

"Yeah, I do. Just google it. Most domestic abuse cases in the LGBT community aren't taken seriously. The report rates have dropped drastically because people just gave up on even saying anything. Cops hate us." He explained. Devin wrapped his arms around himself and started to pace a bit.

I stopped him and put my hands on either side of his arms. "Look at me," I told him, "I know this feels like the end of the world but I am here for you and I'm going to get you out of this. I was with someone that was extremely emotionally abusive for years. I know that's not the same as physical abuse but I know what it's like to feel trapped."

He sniffled and shivered at the same time, "How'd you get out?"

"I had to give up everything." I sighed, "I quit my job and moved to the other side of city. I've got ten locks on my door, I swear. There were nights I wouldn't sleep because I was scared she'd pull something. I got past it though and I finally got her to let me go. Wounds do heal with time. I had no help either, mostly because I was too stubborn to ask for it, but you do have help. You have me, and Chris and Ange."

"I have no where to go, Ricky. I don't have a car, I'm not leaving my cats with him either... and I'm not going to burden anyone with my problems." He murmured.

"You are not a burden. I just saw the other night that an apartment opened up in my building. If I can afford that place, I'm sure you can too. It's not the best place in the world but they take pets and it's walking distance to the museum."

"I'll... I'll think about it." He said, "I should get home before it gets too late. I don't want him mad."

I sighed in disappointment. As much as I wanted to be the prince charming that rescues him from this beast, that's not how things go in real life. I gently placed a goodbye kiss on his forehead. He glanced up at the ice sculpture one last time. It glistened under the moonlight pouring in from the windows of the loading dock.

"No matter what happens between us, between him and you, I will always remember this." I whispered and kissed him on the lips.

"Me too." He mumbled.

Devin pulled out his phone. He sighed when he saw the time. Then he took a picture of the ice sculpture. I wish we could take a picture together but I don't want his boyfriend to find it in his phone. That would just cause more trouble than it's worth.

"What're you guys going to do with this?" He asked.

"Chris said there's an ice rink in town he's going to donate it to." I replied.

"Oh, that's nice of him. Um, I should get going." Devin gently kissed my cheek, "Thank you for tonight."

"Call, if you need anything." I responded, "Drive save."

"I will, thank you. Goodnight, Ricky."

"Goodnight, Beautiful."

Devin headed out the side door that lead out to the parking lot. By now, Edward had headed inside. I thought we had been alone this whole time. I'm never alone in this place. I sunk down beside one of the boxes with defeat.

"That was the best you could fucking do?" Chucky snapped at me as he walked around the corner.

I practically jumped out of my skin. Okay, he still scares me a little bit. Plus having anyone walk up on you like that is startling. Sweeney also came around the corner and crossed his arms over his chest. He was judging me hardcore. Chucky leaned against the crate adjacent to the one I rested on. He lit up a cigarette. I coughed on the smoke. It made me uncomfortable because I quit awhile ago.

"What else was I supposed to do? Sweep him off his feet with a kiss and tell him I'd take care of him? I wish, but I can't do that." I admitted.

"You could've tried." Sweeney spoke with annoyance.

I glared up at him, "I am not taking love advice from you."

"And why's that?"

"Your girlfriend killed your homeless wife, then you killed her." I replied.

He bit his tongue as he thought on it, "Fair point. However, I did escape imprisonment in Australia and chartered back to England to find my wife. I dare you to find someone that's done something more romantic in this entire museum."

"Touché." Chucky commented.

"You two aren't helping. How long have you been down here anyways?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Not long. We saw your whole smooch session with Devin though." Chucky responded.

I stood up with a huff, "Please, just get back to your exhibits. I'll be in the control room if you need me."

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to talk about this. They began to walk inside while I locked the door Devin left out of. It sucked he had to leave but I didn't want him falling asleep in my office like before. That was sweet, but a little awkward. It was like waking up after a hookup without the sex. Eventually, we'll figure this all out. I'm just worried as to how long it'll take.

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