Chapter 5 | Danger Warning

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There was oddly this part of me that was excited to get back to work tonight. Why? I have no clue. I almost died last night. A few times, actually. Just like last time, as I pulled up, Devin was getting out of the building. Don't miss your chance this time, idiot. I quickly got my things together and got out of my car. Devin looked around frustrated until his eyes landed on me.

"Oh hi." I smirked.

"H-Hi." He shivered, tired and cold.

"Where exactly is your car?" I asked once I realized there was no other car here except mine and Angelo's.

Devin walked towards me more to hear better, "The, um, person I live with shares a car with me. He had work today too so he's going to pick me up."

"Oh." I muttered, "Do you want to sit in my car with me so you're at least warm until he gets here?"

There was a hesitation in him. As if he was going to say yes, but rather said no. "I better not. He'll be here soon anyways, but thank you."

"It's not problem. Do you have any days off this week?"

"Thursday, but I'm actually taking that day off to take the train down to New York for a wedding. My, um, roommate's cousin is getting married." He glanced behind himself as headlights glowed over us. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I mumbled, feeling weirded out by this situation.

Why did he act almost uncomfortable when he referred to his roommate? And why would he go to the wedding of his roommate's cousin? Unless they were... Dating. Devin got into the car and as he did I heard yelling from the driver. He softly made his apologies to the slurs, then closed the door. I saw nothing that would incriminate him as a cheater but I was getting vibes that they were together. I hope not. My senses could be off.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and watched into the building. Once I was changed into uniform I went to find Angelo. He was sitting at the greeters desk with his legs up on it, leaning back with a tablet in his hand.

"I already took care of the basement shit," He spoke as he handed the electronic to me, "Here."

"What's this?" I asked in returned as I took it, seeing a list.

"Your personal Hell. That's the new video game exhibit's characters. The thing about video games is, they are way more violent than anything you see in movies. Their characters have no thinking process. They just kill." He sneered.

I leaned my back against the desk as I scrolled through a set of images. "Gannondorf, Bowser, Dr. Eggman, this is what you're worried about? You have met the forty foot tall evil truck behind us, right?"

Angelo looked past me at Megatron, "Sorry about him. He's just scared of you." Then he moved his eyes back to me, "He's a jet, by the way. Not a truck. And keep scrolling."

I kept going down the page. Bare in mind, I don't know a thing about video games. It's not my thing, but a picture is worth a million words. There was some kind of supercomputer called GLaDOS and it was on display with a smaller beach ball looking thing called Wheatley. I don't need to know anything about their game to know that supercomputers are bad. Then I kept going, seeing a steampunk looking thing. It was called a Big Daddy, and it had a fucking drill for a hand. That'll give Edward a run for his money. There was a set of animatronics from a game called Five Nights At Freddy's. I reached the end of the list and almost dropped the tablet.

"What the fuck is that?" I almost squealed like a little girl.

"It's called a Wendigo. I stayed up watching YouTube videos about it last night. It's from a game called Until Dawn. The lore goes in this certain area up in Canada, the natives cursed the land so that if someone resorted to cannibalism, they would turn into that... thing. They can't be killed and only fire can slow them down. Come with me."

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