Chapter 9 | Attempted Chaos

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It's been awhile since I spent time in Burton's exhibit. So much so, that I know I'm going to get my ass handed to me for not visiting since I began this job. Hopefully they'll be forgiving if I bring Devin with me. From what I understand, they know what happens around them during the day. They must know who Devin is then. He talks fondly of them day in and day out.

"They can be a little... Eccentric." I warned Devin as we walked down the hall.

"I'd expect nothing less from Burton's creations." He responded softly.

We turned the corner, instantly getting all eyes on us. Edward and the Mad Hatter weren't here. I assume they were across the hall with the Munster and Addams kids. Edward just adored them, and Mad Hatter does like his tea. I hear Morticia makes a good brew, though I'm not much of a tea person myself. I'm getting off track here.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet Devin." I spoke as I gestured to him, "He's a tour guide here during the day."

"We know." Sweeney spoke as he cut through the crowd, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He offered his hand to Devin. Leaning over, he kissed the back of his hand and made him giggle. "We appreciate the kind words you say about us."

Of course I was jealous. Even if he is straight, Devin isn't exactly one gender from what I can tell. I don't care if Sweeney is made of wax 50% of the time. He's still hitting on the guy I like, and I'm not excusing it. That's just a plain dick move. Lucky me, I have a great reason to pull us away from here.

I cleared my throat, "Uhm, I wish we could stay longer, but we actually do have to check on the new exhibit. I haven't gone up there yet."

Hesitantly, Sweeney straightened himself out, "But, of course. Please do come back when you have the time."

As his sentence ended, we all heard a distinct metal cling from the workings of the building. It was coming from above us, and quite obviously in the vents. Who the fuck is in the vents and how? I closed them already. Unless... The forth floor was an addition to the museum and that ventilation system is on a different switch because of that. That's my best guess, and I get to be the lucky bastard that has four new villains that love vents.

"Let's go." I quickly said as I grabbed Devin's hand.

He rushed behind me as we ran up the stairs. Fuck you, Chris, for not having a elevator. To be fair, I honestly wouldn't use it if we did have one. Have you seen what happens to people in elevators in horror movies? They usually die. Then again, how many horror movies do chicks trip on stairs and almost get hacked by the slasher?

"Please tell me you know video games as well as you do movies?" I asked as we went up the final set of stairs.

"Yeah, I do." He replied, "Why?"

"Because I don't know them worth a shit." I stated honestly, "I'm going to need help talking to them."

"I'm your girl." He snickered as we reached the entrance to the exhibit. Devin looked through the gate at the characters that trust me, noticed us. "Dr. Eggman and Ganon are stereotypical villains. They just want to take over the world. Bowser just wants to kidnap princesses, which luckily there's none in the entire museum. They are primarily kids characters too, so I doubt you'd have much trouble from them. The Big Daddy is a passive aggressive character. He'll only attack you if you attack him, and his goal is to protect the Little Sister. GLaDOS and Wheatley don't really have a purpose when they're not in a massive testing facility, so I wouldn't worry about them. An- Where's Joker?"

I looked around the best I could from here. The air duct that's supposed to be closed had been broken open. Oh, fuck. That's why we heard something in the vents. One of the Five Nights characters was missing and I assume that's who it was in the vents. Joker had to be in there somewhere. I had to make a judgement call. Do I dare go in there? I guess I have no other choice.

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