Chapter 12 | Moving On

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Morning sun approached and the museum once again stood still. I made my way to my locker to change out of uniform. While I was unbuttoning my shirt, Devin walked in. He caught a glimpse of me shirtless and blushed. I might be skinny but I wasn't that in shape. So, it was a little embarrassing for the both of us. Devin quickly rushed over to his locker, which was in another row of mine.

He was utterly adorable. I wouldn't have taken him for the shy type, but he has his moments. After I got changed, I quickly dowsed myself in cologne. Since I still have yet to get that shower I need. Hopefully he won't notice. As I walked around the corner, he was in the middle of fastening his nametag to his blouse.

"Ouch." He hissed as he accidently pricked himself on the pin.

I lightheartedly smiled, "May I?"

Devin glanced up at me. Now that we were closer I could see his beautiful face was very worn. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. When he spoke to me, his voice was very hoarse. "Oh, y-yeah, thank you."

I took his nametag from him and gently put the pin through his shirt. He does this every morning, so I'm surprised he was having issues with it today. Maybe he's as tired as he looked. I grabbed his hand with a soft touch and looked at his bleeding finger.

"I should have a band aid in my office. Do you want me to get you one?" I asked.

"No, it's okay. It's just a little prick, but thank you." He replied.

"Of course, Sweetie. You look really tired. Did you sleep okay last night?"

"Uhm," He stammered, "Not really, but I'll be okay."

I gently ran my hand down his arm in a comforting manor. "If you insist. Um, I should get back home, but I was wondering... I got the invite to Chris and Ange's wedding in the mail yesterday and... Would you be my date?"

Devin hid his face with a smile. He was bashful, I sweat to you, and it was the best thing ever. He glanced up at me to meet our eyes again, "I would love to."

"I look forward to it, Sweetheart." I responded, "Have a good day at work."

"Drive safe." He said.

I took a glance around to check that we were alone. The day security guard, Ryan, was in here but he didn't bother me. He was a friend of Chris' and I knew he was cool. I leaned in and kissed Devin. He kissed me back too. It was our second kiss since the other night. Every time my lips touched his, I felt on top of the world. It pained me to even part from him.

As I did pull back, Devin placed an additional kiss on my cheek. What a sweetheart. I didn't want to leave. Unfortunately he had work and I needed to sleep.

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It was the middle of the day when my phone started to ring. The only people I care about in my life know about my work schedule. With concern it could be a family emergency, I jumped up from a dead sleep. I was rather pissed to see my ex's number on the display screen. Fucking cunt. I've told her already that I'm working nights. She knows better. I also know better than to answer, but I did anyways.

"Hello?" I groaned as I laid back on my pillow. My head was now pounding from getting up so quickly.

"Hey, are you busy?" She asked. The fuck?

"No..." I answered honestly, curious as to where this was going.

"Can I come over? I'm really lonely." She used that fake pouting tone.

I knew that meant she just wanted a hate fuck. Before, I was okay with it. Now? Not so much. I only really care about having relations with Devin. He's all I can think about. I don't want to jinx what we have going on either.

"Now's not a good time," I told her, "I have to go in to work tonight and I'd like to get a shower, some dinner, and some sleep before then."

"I can come over and fix you something to eat. Like I used to do, back when we were together... And we'd end up showering together afterwards."

"Jessica," I sighed, "I know you haven't moved on, but I have. This new person I'm seeing at work... I really care about them. I'm not interested in what we once had. I am truly sorry that your aunt died and I wasn't there for you, but I can't keep this up."

"But Ricky-"

"Jess, let it go. Let me go." I replied.

There was silence on the end of the phone. Most the time I just tell her to fuck off. I've never given her a softer goodbye like that. She knew I meant it this time and she was really upset with me. I felt a little bad, but not as bas as I could've felt.

"Okay..." She muttered, "I guess... I'll just go... Bye."

"Goodbye." I spoke, then hung up the phone.

My hand barely managed to set my phone back down before I fell back asleep. Who would've thought sitting in an office for eight hours would wear you out this much. It must've just been my body finally catching up on sleep after the fiasco from the other night.

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Nothing felt better than a fucking shower. Why did I not take one sooner? Once I was done, I threw a frozen TV dinner in the microwave. It's depressing but it's cheap. Which reminds me! It's payday today. My food still had a lot of time left on it in the microwave. So, I grabbed my jacket and rushed down to the mailboxes.

They're in the lobby. The desk guy looked at me weird, like he always does, but I brush it off. People kept opening the fucking door though and my hair was still went. It was the dead of winter outside too. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I rushed back upstairs to my nice, warm apartment. Just in time too because I caught the microwave right when I got in the door.

As I started to eat my dinner, I began to go through my mail. Bills, junk mail, bills... My check wasn't in here. That's weird. Chris is never late with it. He knows how much I live paycheck to paycheck. It was only about eight, which isn't late for him. I decided it was best to give him a call. He sounded a little... frustrated when he answered. Why am I always interrupting those two when they're in the middle of something?

"Hello?" He answered, then I heard him muttering to Ange in the background to stop whatever it was he was doing.

"Hey, I'll make this quick, since you're obviously in the middle of something..." I replied, "Um, my paycheck didn't come in the mail today."

"It didn't? Hang on." There was some rustling in the background for a moment. I just sat there and ate my pathetic meal full of nasty preservatives. Chris finally came back to the phone, "Sorry. I was checking my bank statements to see if anyone else cashed their checks. Ryan cashed his on his lunch break today and he lives just down the street from you. There's no way he got his in the mail and you didn't."

"I'll give it twenty-four hours, but I have bills that are way overdue. I need to pay these off ASAP." I said.

"I know. If you don't get it by tomorrow, I'll write you a new one and give it to you at work."

I sighed out of relief, "Thanks. I'm sure it just got lost in the mail or something. Um, I'll let you two get back to... Whatever you two do."

He chuckled, "Thanks. I'll spare you the details. Night."

"Night." I responded, then hung up.

My mind was trying to play this off logically. It must've just been it got lost in the mail or maybe it was put into the wrong mailbox. My neighbors, despite thinking I worship Satan, are very good about returning my mail. With the way Jessica has been acting lately though, I'm a little worried that there was some foul play. Hopefully it was just some fluke.

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