Chapter 11 | Love Advice From a Killer

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Per Devin's request, I texted him as soon as I woke up. I just sent a "hey" with a little cat emoji. I'm not always super suave, okay? Sometimes I like to be cute and shit when I'm flirting. I think my encounter with my ex earlier killed my vibes too. I wasn't in the mood for being sly. I just genuinely wanted to have a conversation with Devin and see where it goes.

It wasn't but two minutes later that he responded with "hey" and the little paw print emoji. He's too cute. I asked him how his day had been and just normal talk like that. Just laying here in bed, texting back and forth, made me so happy. It gave me a feeling like no one could tear me down. That's how you should feel when talking to someone you like. I don't think I ever felt this on top of the world while I was with Jessica.

Time passed quicker than I expected it to. I glanced at the clock, realizing my shift starts in a half an hour. No time for a shower then. Oh well. At least I'm not seeing Devin this time around or else I would actually worry about my hygiene. What if I see him in the morning though? Fuck, I'll just make sure I have cologne on me. I rushed to put on fresh clothes. Then I grabbed my car keys off the counter and an apple. It's all I really had time for.

Once I was in the car and had reached a red light, I finally replied to Devin. I apologized for my late response, explaining I was running late to work. He told me it was okay and I didn't have to apologize. He's so precious. I wish I could have him around me all the time. I could imagine it now. Us, constantly messing around with each other. Maybe for once I'd have that TV  kind of romance where the wife kisses the husband on his way out to work.

That's just a fairytale though. That shit doesn't happen in real life. What happens in real life is really good hearts like Devin's get trapped by assholes. What's his boyfriend's name again? Dixon, I think. Honestly, I've blocked it out of my mind. I don't want to think about him because it makes me angry. Apparently no one ever taught him that you don't hit a lady.

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Things were calmed down from last night. Despite ripping my head off, Chris did fix the problem. He reinforced the Wendigo's display case and put Joker in a steal cage. The visitors of the museum just think it's apart of his display because it's the Joker from Arkham Asylum. I'm just thankful for it. For once, I get to sit up in my office and just relax.

Spoke to soon. That never happens, now, does it? I caught on one of the monitors that Chucky was leaving his exhibit. Oh, for fuck's sake, it had to be him, didn't it? They're aloud to come upstairs if they need anything from me. It looked like that's where he was headed but I can't possibly imagine what he wants. He just creeps me out so much. Does he have to come up here? He's probably on his way to murder me because he thinks I'm a wimp.

I heard a knock on my door and cautiously got up. There was a piece of glass on the front I could see out of. I glanced down, seeing it was in deed him. Fuuuuck me. He caught me staring through the side glass.

"Open the fuckin' door, you pansy." He bitched to me.

Goddamn it. This had to happen the one night I was alone. I unlocked the door and let him in. In my head, I was writing my will. It's pretty short; Tell Devin I secretly loved him, don't let my ex come to the funeral, and I leave everything to my cat. Yeah, I think that covers my bases.

"Why are you up here?" I asked, trying not to come off too harsh.

Chucky climbed up on my chair, then got up on my desk. He took a seat on the edge of the desk and replied, "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot before. I didn't mean to scare you like I did."

I sat back down in my desk chair. He seemed like he meant it but everything he said came off as condescending. I think it was genuine though, even if his wife probably made him do it. "It's alright." I sighed, "I'm getting used to everything here. It just takes some adjusting."

"Adjusting? I got my spirit stuck in a kid's doll. You don't have to talk to me about adjustments." He scoffed.

"Ha, well, Chris ripped me a new ass this morning because I was too focused on chasing ass versus paying attention to my job. I'm trying to do better but I'm not ever going to be as good at this as Angelo." I said.

"At least you got that fancy little guide he gave you." He replied, "Ange didn't have any of that shit when he started out. He has to figure everything out on his own."

"He has the heart of a saint though and the patience of one too. I don't know how he does it." I scoffed, "Love, I guess."

"Well what happened with the ass you were supposedly chasing last night?" He asked.

I leaned back, taking a good look at the monitors. Glancing at Myers, I couldn't help but reflect back on last night. Before everything went to shit that is. I smiled for a brief second, "He's got a boyfriend. Angelo and Chris hate his boyfriend though and want me to steal him away. Devin must care about his boyfriend somewhat if he's still with him."

"Devin as in the fucking tour guide?" Chucky gawked.

"Yeah..." I admitted shamefully.

"Oh, his boyfriend is a real piece of shit. He's been through the museum a few times to visit Devin while he was at work. If I could I'd cut his fucking eyeball out of his skull." He seethed.

Sometimes I forget they see what goes on during the day. Also, let's take a moment to note that I'm having a fucking conversation with motherfucking Chucky. Like, we're having bro-talk. This is fucked up.

"What'd he do that was so bad?"

"I remember this one time, he came to pick Devin up at closing. They started arguing about something and he pulled him into our exhibit for some privacy. All Devin said was that he had to work a littler later to do some paperwork. His boyfriend didn't care. Prick slapped Devin so hard he fell over."

I clenched my fists out of anger. Angelo and Chris had made claims about the abuse but this was the first time I had a witness to it. It surprised me Chucky was so... anti domestic violence. He could be pretty nasty with Tiffany at times. Even a murderer could see that Devin was too good for it though. He had a heart of gold and he gets abused unjustly.

"Angelo said he's tried to call the cops on Dixon before but Devin won't press charges." I said.

"Cops are worthless anyways. The only way you're going to help him is to get him out of that situation and get him to fall in love with someone else. Maybe that could be you, if you don't pussy foot around with it."

Oh, he could be so pleasant. He was right though. Devin isn't going to want the police involved. He's already made that clear. He won't admit to me that he has a boyfriend. Which tells me he is in the market for someone else. Obviously if he fully loved Dixon, he wouldn't be giving me the time of day. I need to do something big to finally make my move.

I've got a whole museum of characters at my disposal but they're all villains. They aren't exactly romantics. Well... That is true for all but one... I started at one of the first floor monitors with a thought in my head. Thank you, once again, Burton...

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