Chapter 18 | Internet Legends

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By the time I headed back into the museum, the guests were cleared out. It was just a few employees. Ryan met up with me, telling me everything that needed to be shut, was shut. We don't talk about our personal lives with each other. I do wonder if he has someone though. He seems to have too much time and leniency to have a girlfriend. Who knows.

As we walked into the new exhibit, they were in the process of setting up the last figure. This one was the tallest. It doesn't surprise me that they waited until very last to put him out. Once they were done, I walked up to the ghastly statue. He stood at the very back of the room as the main attraction. The others, they have personalities I think I can handle. This one though, he's soulless from what I've seen.

"Hey, I'm going to head out." Chris said, interrupting my thoughts.

I glanced back at him, giving a small nod, "Yeah, okay. Have a good night."

"You two think you'll be okay tonight?" He asked.

"Should be." Ryan replied.

"Yeah," I added, "Should be. First nights for new exhibits are never easy but we should be fine. We've got plenty of backup."

"Alright. If it gets too bad, call me. Night, guys."

"Night." We both replied in unison.

Chris left the room, heading out. We still had about fifteen minutes until ten. I took a good look around at these internet legends. They were unlike anything else in this museum. See, in the movies and video games, there's a sense of a pattern and control to characters. There's multiple minds bringing them to life. Minds with control and a sense of normalcy.

When it comes to creepy pastas, they've mostly been created by one person on the internet. I don't know if you've noticed but there's some real fucked up people in this world with access to the internet. Then, these communities of people decide who these characters are. They are mostly built by the imagination of the disturbed and unstable teenagers. Teenagers scary the shit out of me.

After studying these mobs for the past week, I know them well. The Rake is no longer a concern of mine. He's chained down. Towards the entrance, a negative colored Mickey Mouse suit stood. It was from a story called Abandon by Disney. To my knowledge, that character doesn't kill. He just likes to run you off in fear. I don't worry about him. Another one I don't worry about is Eyeless Jack. As long as I'm not asleep, he won't hurt me. Ben Drown and sonic.exe... They can't have power in the real world, can they?

Ticci Toby and Jeff the Killer don't worry me. I think I can easily convince them to behave. Laughing Jack and Slenderman are my biggest worries. Laughing Jack, if I'm lucky, I can talk into being passive. He is an intelligent being even if he's reckless. From what I've seen in my research, Slenderman is merciless. He has no emotion, only drive to kill. Why did Chris think this was a good idea? Fuck if I know. I don't get paid enough for this job.

"According to some of the others, even if the creatures haven't come alive yet, they've still be exposed to enough of the tablet's magic to be conscious." I said as I paced around the exhibit.

"You mean they can hear and see us already?" Ryan asked.

"Supposedly." I sighed, "This is the only chance we're going to get to talk to them without them being about to retaliate. It's worth a shot to try."

"I guess, but I'll leave that up to you. I'm going to head down to the office to watch the cameras." He replied.

Ryan walked out, leaving me alone in an exhibit full of hostiles about to come to life. At this point, we have just under ten minutes. It's hard to believe that these characters are about to have life breathed into them. They look just like your average statue.

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