Chapter 16 | Showing the New Guy the Ropes

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"Did Chris tell you anything about my routine?" I asked Ryan as we walked through the first floor.

"No, not really. He just told me to shadow you tonight to learn everything." He replied.

"At least you've got me. I didn't have anyone to teach me this shit when I started." I laughed, "First we have to go downstairs to turn off the water and the air."

He looked at me strangely, "It's like ten degrees out. Why would we turn off the air?"

"It'll make sense later. You actually don't notice the cold because you work up a sweat running around this place." I said.

"I-" He sighed, "Never mind. Okay."

Ryan was smart enough not to question it. He seems to have some brains. Let's hope there's confidence to him too. We were downstairs and did the usual. I did finally fix the light down here, by the way. It was out when I had my first night. It took forever to get maintenance to do shit about it though. Since I'm the only one here at night, it wasn't much of a concern to him.

As much as I wish I could start him off on the first floor, we had to close the vents in the video game exhibit. Ryan followed me up the multiple flights of stairs. I hurried into the exhibit and locked all the vents. There was also an air return that I had to lock. I glanced down at my watch. It was 9:59PM.

"Fuck, let's go." I grabbed his wrist and yanked him along as I rushed out of the exhibit.

"What's the hurry?" He asked as he tried to keep up.

I pushed him out into the hall. Then I jumped up and grabbed the gate. Just as I slammed it against the ground, I heard the Wendigo screech. GLaDOS made her beeping start up noises, the Five Nights characters' metal clanked as they awoke. Joker's laugh broke out through the room. I rushed to lock it up. Even if Joker is now in a cage, I don't trust that fuck.

Finally, I got it locked. I glanced over at Ryan to see he was ten shades paler. He stared inside, his eyes caught on the Wendigo that tried to scratch it's way out of it's glass.

"Honestly, you're doing better than me on my first night." I joked.

"What the actual fuck?" He spoke in a higher, scared voice.

"Ever seen Night At The Museum?" I asked.


I glanced back inside, watching the Big Daddy pick up his Little Sister. It's hard when they're not all bad, but Joker has to ruin it for everyone.

"We're the real version

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"We're the real version." I said, "The Mummy's tablet brings this place to life."

His large eyes were glued to the bizarre sight. "I can't decide if this is fucking amazing or fucking terrifying."

"...Both. You get over the fear eventually. These guys are new. They haven't adjusted to me or to the museum yet, so I have to lock them up. C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone else." I began to walk and he followed. We passed by the wing that had the Rake in it. I could hear him rattling against his chains and remembered there was a vent I had to close in there. "Fuck." I sighed, "That is the one I still am terrified of. You might want to stay here."

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