Chapter 15 | Fishnets

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Two weeks passed without Devin taking any actions to leave his boyfriend. I'm hoping he's just waiting on the right moment. Since, our only encounters have been seeing each other when one is coming in for work and the other is leaving. He still lets me kiss him and tends to return. I still do get those cute kisses on the cheek, just not as much. Needless to say, things have slowed down between us and I'm okay with that. I can wait for him to gain the confidence he needs.

Tonight, as I was coming in for my shift, I caught Devin right after he had changed. Usually he throws on a band shirt and jeans after his shift. Tonight, though, he was wearing a beautiful short black dress. He was in the middle of touching up his makeup in his locker's mirror when I walked in. Fuck, he looked gorgeous. He had fishnets on that I would love to destroy.

"You look... Oh my God." I gawked as I leaned against the side of the locker.

He looked at me blankly, "Is that a good oh my God or a bad oh my God?"

"Good, good. I mean, Babe, you look fucking phenomenal." I replied, "Where are you headed, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My boyfriend is going out to dinner and drinks with his boss. He wanted me to come along to be eye candy, I guess." He shrugged, "Um, you're a little early, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I have a meeting with Chris. It's not for another twenty minutes but I was getting bored staring at my apartment wall." I chuckled as I headed towards my locker to change into my uniform.

Devin shut his locker slowly. He walked around the corner while I was in the midst of pulling off my shirt. His heels clicked as he stepped back. He took a glance around the room to make sure we were alone. Devin walked over to me and pushed me back into the locker. Bare in mind I was still shirtless. He raised his leg up beside mine. I placed my hand under his knee to help him keep his balance.

"Oh fuck, you smell good." I mused as I got a whiff of his perfume. This was the first time we had ever interacted in this manor. I don't know what possessed him to do it but I wasn't complaining.

"I'm sorry I haven't been very good to you lately. I've been kind of ignoring you." He huffed.

"Babe, it's okay. I know you're just trying to get things figured out." I responded.

Devin turned his head and began to kiss my neck. He grinded against me slowly. Fuck, what was he trying to do? Someone could walk in at any moment. I don't think Chris would be very happy to find two of his employees dry fucking. Devin put his hand between my legs and began to rub me through my jeans. It's been a very long time since I've had sex with anyone. It wasn't hard for him to get me hard.

"Fuck." He muttered as his phone dinged. Devin lowered his leg off of me and backed up. He planted a deep kiss on me, then said, "I've gotta go, Honey."

"Alright... Thanks for that, by the way." I spoke as I wiped his lipstick off my cheek.

"My pleasure," He smiled, "Wish we could continue though."

Devin leaned over to pick up his purse off the bench. I was his perfect fucking ass. There was also a little slip of his underwear. Oh, fuck, he was so hot.

"You and I both." I muttered.

He smirked at me over his shoulder. Once he'd collected all his things, he headed out. Holy fuck. I tried my best to calm myself down by thinking of gross things. Then I continued to finish getting ready. By the time all was said and done, it was time for me to meet Chris. His office was up front, near the gift shop.

His door was opened a crack. I knocked as I pushed it open. He glanced up from all his papers, "Come in."

I closed the door and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. Whatever this was about, I hope it's good news. I've been doing really well with my job. Even dealing with the Rake and the Wendigo. It's all been under control, for the most part. It does get tiring.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"I thought about what you said, about getting a second guard." He replied, "But I wanted someone I could trust. So, I talked to Ryan and he'll be moving to a night shift. I've hired someone else to take over his day shift."

"Fucking thank you!" I rejoiced. You have no idea how much this will help me. I know Ryan is competent too, which is a bonus.

"He starts tonight. Show him the ropes, get him used to everything as quickly as you can. The statues for the new exhibit will be going in next week. They will probably be some of the most difficult characters added to the museum to date. Make sure everyone is prepared." He stressed to me.

I sighed, "Alright, thank you. Where's Ryan?"

"He should be clocking in anytime soon, if you want to go meet up with him. I'll lock up for you guys."

We both stood up from our seats. Chris grabbed his keys and I thanked him for the hundredth time. This is going to be a major help to me. My only worry is how Ryan will react. This is a bit of an undertaking at first, if you haven't noticed. My first night here was a goddamn mess. He seems like he should be able to handle it.

When I reached the locker room again, I could still faintly smell Devin's perfume. I miss him. Our little moment earlier is still stuck in my head. He's been so passive lately. What made him do that exactly? Maybe it was secretly out of spite towards Dixon. Or maybe he was testing the waters, seeing how things would be if he left his boyfriend for me. Whatever it was, it was stuck in my mind now.

Ryan had already punched in and he was in the midst of buttoning up his uniform shirt. His locker was right beside mine too. That made this easier. We hopefully can learn a routine with each other. That is, provided he does okay with this whole thing. It could potentially give him a heart attack. I seriously thought my heart was going to explode my first night.

"Hey man." I greeted him, "You ready?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, I mean, I've done this during the day for like two years. It's probably going to be easier at night because there's no people."

"Right..." I muttered. Oh, you have no fucking clue, dude.

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