Chapter 3 | The Mind of Burton

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I tried my best to way out my options. All of Burton's characters are pretty crazy in their own rights. I figured the best thing to do would be to decide when I get in there. I hope none of them kill me. I mean from what I remember, most of them only killed the people they had an agenda against. I'd hope Frank wouldn't send me there if one would kill me either. 

There was no easy way to waltz over to the east hall. I just went with the running option and hoped to Satan that the Decepticon wouldn't see me. Even if he did, I think the ceiling was just a tad too low in the halls for him. My heart rate was still beating out of my chest, but I continued on. There's no way I could survive this night on my own. 

Just as I calmed down, I looked ahead of me to see The Mad Hatter watching me down the hall. He only had his head peaked around the corner and twisted back into the exhibit when I caught him. Fuck, I'm going to keel over from heart failure by the end of the night. As I reached the end of the hall, I heard Hatter talking about me to the others. 

"An.. And there's the man right now!" He spoke as he gestured towards me. 

They all stared for a moment. Then Hatter tried to ask me something at the same time as Wonka, and Beetlejuice just started going off. I was trying to listen to what they were saying. It was all running together and they weren't listening to me when I was telling them to go one at a time. I jumped when I felt something on my leg, and looked down to see Frankenweenie jumping up on me, trying to get my attention. Then Zero began to fly around my head and attempt to sniff my face. 

"Gentlemen!" A voice suddenly sounded through the commotion, "Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Calm yourselves, and have a little respect for the lady."

Sweeney pushed them back from me. He waved Frankenweenie and Zero to behave. Then it hit me. Did he just refer to me as a lady?! Sweeney looked at me for a split second, but his attention fell behind me. I turned around and saw Morticia Addams standing to the side. Oh, that's who he meant. I was about to say... I don't look that much like a chick. 

He bowed to her like a true gentleman, "Morticia, to what do we owe this visit?"

"I was coming to see what all the commotion was." She replied with her trademark smirk.

Wonka took a step forward, "We have a new security guard." He gestured over to me with his cane. 

She looked at me with innocent intentions, but it naturally came off creepy because creep runs in her DNA. "Morticia Addams." She offered her hand to me, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I wearily shook her hand, "Ricky. I'm sorry I'm a little shaken but Angelo didn't really tell me about all of... This."

"This?" Hatter asked, "What do you mean?" 

"About the museum coming to life. I thought I was guarding inanimate displays. But, I mean like Frank said, I wouldn't have believed him even if he told me. Frank told me you guys have been here the longest and you could help me." I explained to them. 

Sweeney, whom seems to be the one that runs the show here, spoke, "Any friend of Angelo's is a-"

"OH! PICK ME! PICK ME!" Beetlejuice yelled over him. He stumbled forward and fell into me, pulling onto the front of my jacket, "C'mon! PLEASE! Get me away from these losers!" 

"Excuse you." Hatter scoffed. 

Wonka put his cane in between us and pushed Beetlejuice off of me, "Sorry about him. I believe what Mr. Todd was about to say is, any friend of Angelo's is a friend of ours. He has treated us very well over the years. How may we help?" 

I took in a breath, releasing it slowly to recompose myself. "Frank said something about Angelo having rules for all of you."

"Each exhibit has their own set of rules, but there's a few that apply to the whole museum." Sweeney said, "Of course, even those have exceptions. I'll get there though. We have to stay in the same hall as our exhibit to keep some order, but we're aloud to visit other exhibits in our hall. For example, we visit with the Addams and the Munsters all the time, and vise versa. The murderers though, on the third floor, they're the exception. They're separated into two sections, the masked and the not masked. One has to be locked up at all times to keep them apart. Angelo would switch off who it was to keep it fair." 

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