Chapter 13 | Snow Angel

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My check never came. Surprise surprise. Chris was weirded out by it too but luckily didn't accuse me of anything. I was worried he'd think I was doing some kind of scam. Even if I was a scam artist, I don't think I could scam my friends. He was nice enough to write me another check. If the check was stolen, whomever stole it should know that I would just get another from my boss.

There was something so off about the whole thing. Maybe I'm being overly paranoid. Being surrounded by magical talking statues of famous villains could do that to you. I had to ask Chris for another favor as well and he was surprisingly very accommodating. Unfortunately, as I came into work today, I found out the reason why.

He was on the forth floor making sure some workers were getting out before ten. That's usually the golden time for everyone to come alive. Why were there workers up here? There did not need to be. Nothing was wrong with the video game villains exhibit, to my knowledge. Once the last worker was gone, I looked to Chris was grave concern.

"What is going on?" I asked before daring to peak in.

He hesitated in answering me. "You know we couldn't leave an entire floor with only one exhibit."

I just stared at him for a moment. "There's a new exhibit?" I panned, questioning his sanity in my tone. Chris had guilt on his face. "We just got a new one!" I snapped.

"Ricky, please try to calm down. Look, there place is still under construction. It won't be open for a few months. There is already one statue in there though. Don't worry, he's chained down." Chris said.

He's really trying my fucking patience. I cautiously turned around and pushed back the tarp covering the entrance. The construction was still in minor stages. I was surprised he was even bringing in one statue. The second I saw that goddamn thing, I almost shit my pants. I can take a lot of horror but holy fuck. It looked similar to the Wendigo, but it was way more disturbed.

The creature was set on a stone pedestal in the center of the room. It looked a little human. Like a really demonic, extremely anorexic human. It's eyes were a flashy white. Kind of like when you take a picture of an animal with the flash on. What the actual fuck? At least it was chained down like Chris said.

 What the actual fuck? At least it was chained down like Chris said

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"Nope!" I shouted as I turned for the exit, "I'm fucking out!"

Chris grabbed me to stop me. "Ricky, it's not that scary."

"Not that scary?" I scoffed, "That thing makes the Wendigo look like a fucking teddy bear. What is this exhibit even supposed to be? The bring an extra set of underwear exhibit?"

"It's going to be a creepy pasta exhibit. That thing is called The Rake. Consider yourself lucky that I don't have the other statues in the loading bay yet because most of them have teleportation powers." He replied.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, yeah, that makes it so much better! Chris, I can't handle another exhibit by myself. I'm sorry but if you don't hire a second night guard, I'm going to have to quit. I can't do this alone."

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