Chapter 22 | Happiness

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Alright, final chapter time. Thank you all for your support on this story! I know it's a little different than anything else on my account but I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you all enjoyed it as much! As always with final chapters, I do ask that you guys spam the fuck out of the comments. Once again, thank you all so much! I love you guys! <3

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Devin is completely straight edge and doesn't drink. I don't do drugs and I quit smoking, but I do still have a drink from time to time. He doesn't mind. Although he did wince when he tasted whiskey on my breath. It made me feel bad, honestly. I don't ever want to make him unhappy. The second it happened over dinner, I switched over to drinking sweet champagne.

My favorite part about the wedding, aside from being with Devin, was the cake cutting. Angelo was so sweet about feeding Chris a piece. He did not return the favor and of course smashed it on Ange's face. Angelo wasn't mad at all and laughed it off. Chris licked his tongue across the frosting on his lover's face. He stole a messy kiss from him, smiling ear to ear as he pulled back. Someday, someday I'm going to have that.

After the wedding, I took Devin home in my car. I wasn't drunk, by the way. I was barely tipsy and I could drive just fine. It was just enough alcohol that I was a little giggly. Devin made me that way regardless. He walked with me up to my apartment. As he hugged my goodbye, he didn't want to let go. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"My apartment is so far away." He complained.

"It's two floors up." I replied, only receiving a pout. "You can stay the night here if you want."

"Really? I would love to!" Devin happily said.

I smirked, "You were fishing for that, weren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He joked with a wide grin.

I snickered under my breath as I fished out my key. Opening the door, I lead him inside. It was fucking cold in here. I thought it was just the hall, but the building heat must be fucked up again. We don't exactly live in the best apartment building. It's just what we can afford, which isn't much. I tried the thermostat but it was no fucking help.

"I'll text the landlord." I sighed, getting my phone out. I'm sure he's already got plenty of complaints but maybe one more will move his fucking ass along. He was a piece of shit that didn't care about our quality of life at all. "Even if he's awake, he probably won't fix it until morning." I told him.

"I guess we'll just have to stay close to share body heat." He replied.

I ran by hand down his curvy side, "We could always produce some too."

Devin giggled and pecked my lips, "I'm too tired. Plus, I only sleep with someone if we're committed."

"And we're not?" I asked as I walked towards the bedroom.

He followed me and started to take off his earrings. "You haven't asked." Devin wasn't mad about it. He was just stating the facts. "Hey, help me with the zipper please?"

I grabbed one of my old The Cure shirts from the drawer to let him wear. Then I walked up behind him and unzipped the back of his dress. It fit like a glove and peeled off like one too. As he stepped out of the dress, it took everything in me to restrain myself. He had this cute little boy shorts on with a bra and thigh highs. Even if I was gay, I preferred to date very feminine men. Devin was driving me fucking crazy.

"You're not being very nice to me." I spoke as I hung up my suit coat.

"I could be WAY more mean." He responded.

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