Chapter 23

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Disclaimer: I only own Kitty and Anne. Laura belongs to @hockey4ever101, Danielle belongs to @dance4ever12, May belongs to @maryb416, and Jasmine Dragonite belongs to @JasmineGorman.

Kitty: Hey guys! Guess what?

(Percy hides under a couch in fear)

Kitty: Oh, man UP.

Percy: I'm sorry, but whenever you say 'hey, guys! Guess what?' in that super perky voice, it usually means DEATH for us!

Kitty: True. Very true. ANYWAYS, we have more dares and later a guest appearance!

May: My dares first! Ok, everyone has to kiss who they like in the room -

Everyone: Yay! (Runs to their boyfriend or girlfriend)

May: - who are NOT their girlfriend or boyfriend!

Everyone: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

May: Yes!

Leo: MAY! Come over here and LET'S SMOOCH!

(May goes over to Leo and they start kissing)

Harry: Uh, Hermione? Could you, you know, do the dare with me?

Hermione: I was kind of hoping to do it with Percy (glances at Percy, who is kissing Kitty (A/N haha yay me!)), but ok, I'll do it with you.

(They kiss)

Peeta: who wants to kiss ME? (All the girls except a jealous Hermione and a very happy May are kissing Percy)

Katniss (who is bouncing on her toes in excitement): Sorry, Peeta! I can't kiss you. I have to kiss Percy! (Small fan girl squeal)

Peeta: Hhmph.

Fred: What about George and me?

George: Yeah! We're handsome! (he strikes a pose)

Kitty: who in this room do you like?

Fred: You.

George: Annabeth. I live to kiss blondes...

Kitty: Uh, okay, Fred. (Fred kisses her)

George: Hey Annabeth!

Annabeth: Yeah?

George: KISS ME!

(He kisses her)

Ron: Who wants to kiss me? I want to kiss *blushes* Annabeth.

Annabeth: Aw, crap. (Goes over and kisses Ron)

(Peeta finally gets to kiss Ginny)

Peeta: Why didn't anyone want to kiss me?

Ron: Or me?

Fred and George: Or us?

Harry: Or me?

Kitty: Duh. Everyone likes Percy.

Harry: Why? I have black hair and green eyes like him, but girls don't want to kiss me!

Kitty: Percy has MUSCLES, idiot.

Harry: I have muscles, too, from playing Quidditch!

Weasley boys: Same here!

Peeta: I have muscles!

Kitty: Yeah, but Percy has the most!

Harry: So that's why you kissed him and not me?

Kitty: Yes! So there, you finally figured it out. Good for you!

Harry: Meh.

Kitty: So now it's time to introduce our guest! Introducing Jasmine Dragonite, daughter of Hecate, granddaughter of Poseidon, and apparently she was blessed by all the Olympians to have all the powers of their kids.

(Jasmine appears)

Jasmine: Hey there! I'm Jasmine and I have dares!

Everyone but Kitty: Oh, crap!

Kitty: Shut up.

(They shut up)

Jasmine: First dare is for Leo to marry me!

Leo: What?!

May: Hey!

Kitty: Sorry, May.

May: ....

Kitty: Ok, Leo, do you take this woman as your wife?

Leo: I do.

Kitty: Jasmine, do you take this dork as your husband?

Jasmine: I do.

Kitty: Leo you may kiss the bride.

(They kiss)

(Ten minutes later, they are still kissing, so Kitty whacks them)

Kitty: Snap out of it! Next dare!

Jasmine: Right. Um, Leo, you get to watch me model my Team Leo shirt!

Leo: You're what shirt?

Jasmine: My Team Leo shirt! (Kitty snapped her fingers and Jasmine is in her Team Leo shirt, which has'Team Leo' written on it with a small fire next to it)

Leo: Ah. I like it!

Jasmine: Good. Next dare is for Percy!

Percy: Oh crap.

Kitty: Percy, be nice.

Jasmine: You have to like cheese off Kitty's cheek!

Kitty: What?!?

Jasmine: Heehee.

Kitty: Oh crap.

Percy: Kitty, be nice.

Kitty: Oh, shut up, Perseus.

Percy: Meh.

(Kitty puts cheese on her cheek and Percy licks it off)

Kitty: Oh, ew, ew, ew! (Washes her cheek off while Percy blushes)

Jasmine: Okay, Annabeth, you have to go to Aragog's cave.

Annabeth: Who?

Jasmine: No, no. Not WHO, he's a WHAT.

Annabeth: Oh, this doesn't sound good...

(She disappears)

Jasmine: Okay, Harry, you have to let Percy control you.

Harry: How is he going to do THAT? 

 Kitty: Easy. About 70% of our bodies are made up of water.

Harry: Oh crap...

Percy: This is going to be SO fun!

(Percy concentrates and then Harry starts doing the Harlem Shake)

Harry: Arrrrrrrggggggh!

(Now, he's doing the Chicken Dance, then he starts jumping up and down)


Percy: M'kay.

(Harry starts slapping himself)

Percy: Why you slapping yourself? Why you slapping yourself?

(Finally, Percy stops)

Harry: *huff pant* grrrr.... *huff pant huff*

Kitty: Haha, that was hilarious!

(Annabeth appears)

Annabeth: Oh my gods!!!!! That was terrible! THEY ALMOST ATE ME!!!!!!

(She faints)

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