Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but Kitty and Anne. Anne is my speical guest author! Danielle belongs to @dance4ever12.



Leo: Yup!

Everyone else: Nope.

Kitty: Aww, Leo, that's sweet! But no, my mom already said I can't date you.

Leo: DANG IT!!! *starts punching the wall and sulking*

Kitty: Sorry.... Well, I'm bringing in another friend!!!

George: Oh-

Fred: -no!

Kitty: Oh YES! Introducing my friend ANNE!!

(Poof of glitter and St. Peter's choir)

Harry: *gags on the glitter he was just unfortunate enough to inhale* 

Anne: Hello! I am so happy to be here and I have some awesome ideas for you all! 

(Everyone faints)

Kitty: Oh, you're evil....

Anne: And don't you forget it!

Kitty: I won't. Anyways.... *takes out her wand* RENNERVATE!

(Everyone wakes up!)

Annabeth: I LOVE YOU, TOO, PER-!! Oh, um, morning all!

Percy: ...

Anne: Leo, it's your turn, truth or dare?

Leo: Um.... D-dare?

Anne: *rubs hands together* I was hoping you'd say that!

Leo: Is it too late to change?

Anne: Yes, very much so. Alright, I'm calling in someone from my favorite TV show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Angel, why don't you come in?

Kitty: Um, who's-

(Angel arrives in a shower of glitter, which he is now covered in)

Kitty: OK, and that must be Angel. 

Annabeth: Seriously, a BOY named ANGEL?

Anne: Yes, seriously a boy named Angel.

Angel: Did you really have to do that? *gestures at his now glitter covered black clothes*

Anne: No, I just like seeing you suffer.

Kitty: I don't know who you are, but I also like seeing you suffer. *whips out her camera and takes a picture* Oh, this is going on Instagram!

Anne: *grinning like the Cheshire Cat* Alright Leo, you and Angel have to spend an hour alone together, in a locked room. 

Kitty: Um, what's the fun in that?

Anne: *still grinning like the Cheshire Cat* Angel is a sulky vampire who likes to brood and sulk.

Kitty: *also starts to grin* And Leo is the craziest, most hyper boy in the whole world.... Oh, I get it now! Also, stop grinning like that. It's creeping me out.

Anne: *ignores Kitty's request* Oh, before you go, Angel?

Angel: Yes?

Anne: I'm bringing Spike in to laugh at you. *grins evilly* 

Kitty: Let me guess- another vampire?

Anne: Yup! Spike, come in! 

(Anne claps her hands and Spike appears. The glitter shower is mysteriously absent)

A Game of Truth or Dare (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Hunger Games)Where stories live. Discover now