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Kats POV

The rest of the school day I didn't talk to anyone. Matt told starlit, corina, josh, mikey, chris, and Alexis that it wasn't a good day for me and to leave me alone for now. He did the same. I just went on with my day and when I got to art mr. Maneli said that today we had to draw what we feel. I drew a heart then put vines on top and the vines had thorns so I also drew blood coming out of the wounds in my heart. Mr. Maneli was surprised I would draw something so deep and graphic. After that the day went on with me doing my work and no one bothering me. Matt drove me to my car and I went home. I walked through the door to see Zayn and elephants laundry sitting on the couch.

Zayn: hey kitty kat. Wanna watch tv?

Me: hey boo, hey guys. No I'm good, I'm just gonna go upstairs.

I guess Zayn and Heath heard the depression in my voice.

Heath and Zayn: what's wrong?

Me: nothing. Harry and I broke up that's all.

Mark: it wasn't because of us right?

Me: no. I'm not some animal that he owns and he was acting like he I broke up with him.

Jye: c'mon. Lets go out and let's get your mind off him. CLUBBING!!!!

Me: jye it's only 4:30

Jye: but girls take forever to get ready! Go quick!

Me: whatever. You coming zayn?

Zayn: nah. I'm just gonna go hang with Liam and Niall.

Me: kay! Bye boo!

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door and ran to my closet. I picked out a one strap pink dress with a little slit under my left Breast that comes down to mid thigh. I slipped on my black wedges and a pink strawberry cheesecake necklace Niall bought me when we were in Paris. I curled my bright purple hair and put on baby pink eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara. I put on clear lipgloss and ran downstairs to see elephants laundry standing by the door and zayn, niall, Liam and....HARRY? Sitting on the couch.

Ethan: ready to go?

Me: yeah. Wait. No. I need my phone.

I ran upstairs and frantically looked for my phone and black clutch. Jye walked in and just laughed at me.

Me: what?

Jye: you're bent down looking for your stuff under your bed. Picture perfect moment.

Me: oh shut up.

Jye: isn't that your phone on the desk right there?

I looked up and sure enough my phone and my clutch were sitting on my desk. I stood up and grabbed my phone and clutch.

Me: thanks...I swear I looked over there at least 5 times.

Jye: no problem. You look amazing tonight.

Me: thanks. You don't look so bad yourself.

Jye: thanks. How old are you anyways?

Me: 16 why?

Jye: 16!? You look 20!! I was just curious..16? You sure?

Me: haha yeas jye I'm sure.

We laughed downstairs until we saw that Harry and Heath look pissed for some reason.

Me: what happened?


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