Chapter 16

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I still haven't Skyped LaFontaine. Laura didn't want her friend to see her drinking blood, which is something I completely understand. Ginger One knows that she's a vampire, of course. But knowing and seeing one of your closest friends drink blood are two entirely different things. It makes me grateful I didn't have any close friends when I was alive. Not that Maman would allow me to see them one last time.

Now I'm having a hard time calming Laura down. Every vampire reacts differently after they drink blood, though it always makes us stronger. With Laura, it makes her incredibly hyper.

She's in her little lioness form and refuses to even attempt to change back. She scurries around the room as I sit in my chair for my computer desk. The drapes are ruined beyond recognition and she's shredded the bottom of a leg of another chair so badly it's teetering on three legs.

"Come on, cupcake. The mad scientist is worried. Please change back, I'm sure they want to see your pretty face." Laura stops running around and just stares at me. I had no idea a lion cub could look smug. "Yes, your face is pretty. We both know this." Laura darts forward and leaps into my lap. She licks my hand before curling up, yawning. "Alright, alright. You don't have to change back. I'll just have to explain what this adorable kitten is doing in my lap."

Laura mews, no doubt annoyed that I called her a kitten again. I smile and Skype the ginger nerd.

"Hey, Catmilla. How is Laura?"

She squirms in my lap, looking up at me. She definitely heard LaFontaine's awful new nickname for me.

"Worn-out. She ran around the room a lot and then jumped into my lap." I reach down and begin to gently stroke her fur. The tiny fluff ball purrs, snuggling into me further.

"That doesn't sound like Laura. Is she okay? Where is she?"

"She got very hyper after drinking blood and turned into her animal."

"Dude, that's awesome! I thought that wouldn't happen for a while, like that's an age thing or something. What's her animal?" LaFontaine leans closer, grinning. Their eyes dart around, trying to catch a glimpse of her.

I wrap my hands around Laura's tiny body. "I'm going to lift you up, okay? LaF wants to see you. Growl if you're not okay with it."

Laura stays quiet and I lift her so that the camera can see her. She blinks tiredly and lets out a cute little yawn. Knowing from experience that being held up like this isn't exactly comfortable, I rearrange her so that I'm supporting her upper body and lower body. Laura mews and turns around in my hands. She squirms until her upper body is resting on my shoulder, her hind legs and tail dangling.

"That's Laura? She's tinier than normal! Do you think she'll let me take samples? I really want to know more about this changing thing."

"If you come within ten feet of her with a pointy object with intent to experiment I will rip you to shreds." I rumble.

"And there are the terrifying threats. I was wondering where they went. You are so much less intimidating when you're looking at Laura with a love-sick expression." I open my mouth to protest, but they cut me off. "Don't even try to deny it, Catmilla. You're whipped."

They sign off laughing and I groan.

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